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Microsoft officially announced that, the next major feature update (code named: 'Redstone 3') will be targeted for release in the month of September 2017. They have also announced that the company will release two major feature upgrades of Windows 10 every year.


To know more about the release plan of the next major feature upgrades of Windows 10, continue reading the post.

Published by on under News | Windows

Windows 10 Creators Update can allow you to configure the system to automatically free up space by getting rid of files that you don't need. These are the files that resides in the temporary folder and in your recycle bin.


In this blog post, we are going to see how to configure your system to automatically free up those files. Continue reading more to learn it.

Published by on under Tips | Windows

Corporates some time needs to disable/hide few settings pages to block the users from changing the system settings. Windows 10 Creators Update provides the system admins to show/hide specific settings pages by tuning them in the Windows Group Policy Settings.


In this post, we will learn how to control the visibility of the pages. Before proceeding, make sure that you are an admin user.

Published by on under Tips | Windows

Along with the announcement of 'Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 16176', Microsoft officially announced that only a set of few Windows 10 Mobile devices will get the Creators Update and future insiders build.


If you are already in latest insider preview build on old devices, you won't get the feature update but will receive cumulative updates.

Published by on under News | Windows

The light we generally see is a combination of different colors and among which the blue light has the maximum energy that can put more strain to eyes while working on a computer for long during the night. With the 'Windows 10 Creators Update', you can now control it.


In this blog post, we are going to see how we can configure it to lower the emission of blue light and ask Windows to show warmer colors to make it easier to sleep at night.

Published by on under Tips | Win10Tips

Windows Insiders in the fast ring on PC gets their first Windows 10 Preview build 16170 from the Redstone 3 branch. Dona Sarkar, in her blog post, announced the availability of build 16170 for the Windows Insiders.


Though there are no new major changes in this build, but has some one core related changes and refactoring done for restructuring for the next branch work.

Published by on under News | Windows

Microsoft opened up the door of Windows Store for the developers who are willing to target their UWP (Universal Windows Platform) apps for Windows 10 Creators Update. They have now officially released the RTM version of the SDK Tools.


In order to use the latest UWP APIs of the SDK, you must upgrade your system to Windows 10 Creators Update (version 1703) and use Visual Studio 2017 (version 15.1).

Published by on under News | SDK

You would like to build an application/addin that reads outlook mail and notify the user or would like to do some other operations based on your business need. For this, you will need to use the Microsoft Outlook APIs.


Today we are going to see, how this can be done using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.dll to read the email from Outlook context and extract the data.

Published by on under .Net | C#

While working with Microsoft Office Interoperability, you may face the following exception that states: "COMException (0x80080005): Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID failed due to the following error: 80080005".


This issue happens when Outlook is already running and you are trying to access it's mailbox from Visual Studio environment. Let's discuss more about the issue.

Published by on under Office | Outlook

Microsoft today officially announced that Windows 10 Creators Update will start rolling out on 11th April 2017. As we already know, it will come as a 'Free Upgrade' to all the customers who are currently running Windows 10 on their system.


The new upgrade will come with lots of new features and enhancements. If you are a Windows Insider, you might have already experienced the same.

Published by on under News | Windows

Windows 10 Creators Update allows you to set custom colors to its background as well as its accent color. You can now modify it based on your mood, instead of just depending on the default color sets that comes with Windows 10.


In this post, we will discuss how to access the custom colors and assign them to Windows background and accent color.

Published by on under Tips | Win10Tips

Microsoft has released a new insiders preview build for fast ring PC and mobile users, after releasing couple of PC builds last week. If you are a Windows Insider in the fast ring, check for updates.


Build 15063 contains no new features other than improvements and fixes. Check the release notes and known issues before installing it.

Published by on under News | Windows

As the big giant is planning to wave out the Windows 10 Creators Update in April 2017, most of the people are excited to get the updates as soon as it is available. But there are some people or corporates who does not want to install the update immediately.


This post details about how to delay installing the Creators Update at the beginning and temporarily push it to future for couple of months.

Published by on under Tips | Win10Tips

Microsoft is preparing for the next big update for Windows 10, that's the Creators Update from the Redstone 2 branch. If you are running Windows 10, you might have already started receiving the promotional message on your Windows Update page.


This message appears on the Windows Update page for the users who are running the latest version of the Windows 10 anniversary update.

Published by on under News | Windows

There could be various reasons when you would like to amend your last commit. One of them is improper commit message and/or wrong committer information. In any of the case, you may like to change the previous commit.


In this small post, we will learn how to amend your last Git commit message as well as the committer information (username and email). Continue reading to know more.

Published by on under Git | Git Basics

Microsoft has recently released Visual Studio 2017 and you might be already started working in it. If you are using NuGet Package Manager Console, you may face an issue which prevents you to press the keyboard 'Enter' key.


If you faced this issue, which has been already logged, here is a workaround to resolve it for the time being while Microsoft is working on the fixes.

Published by on under Tips | Visual Studio 2017

Microsoft has started a new program to provide early access to the Visual Studio Preview to try out the latest features, bug fixes incorporated to Visual Studio 2017 and help to shape the future by making the IDE even better.


Visual Studio Preview has the most recent code pushed with new features, bug fixes and can run side-by-side with stable version of the IDE. Read more to know about it and get the preview installer.

Published by on under News | Visual Studio 2017

Going one more step towards the Windows 10 Creators Update, Microsoft released one more build for Windows Insiders in the fast ring. This build consists no new features other than the bug fixes. The build 15055 is available for both PC and Mobile devices.


A lot of issues have been fixed in this flight, also has few known issues. Before installing it, you should read them carefully.

Published by on under News | Windows

Along with Visual Studio 2017, Microsoft also released the .NET Core Tools 1.0, which are supported on Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems to build cross-platform applications. Though it is part of the Visual Studio 2017 installer, but you can also download them separately.


In this post, sharing the links to download the .NET Core SDK and .NET Core Runtime for different environment for easy access.

Published by on under .Net | .NET Core

Microsoft released the final version of Visual Studio 2017 on 7th March 2017, which brought a set of new features and enhancements for the developers to build apps for any platform in any language. It comes in web installer only. No ISO/DVD images are available.


In case you need an offline installer, you can easily create that and customize it as per your need. Follow the steps mentioned below to create the installer.

Published by on under Tips | Visual Studio 2017

Microsoft released the final version of Visual Studio 2017 and is currently available for download. This release brings a new lightweight and modular installation experience, that you will really love. This also brings a lot of new features to accelerate your development productivity.


Find the links below to download the latest version of the Visual Studio 2017, an IDE which every developer must need.

Published by on under .Net | C#

Recently we learnt how to read Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel document contents (text only) using the interop APIs exposed by Microsoft. Now, what about reading the text content from PowerPoint slides? This can be achievable using another interop assembly file.


Today we will discuss how to extract the texts available in PPT files using 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.dll'. Code has been shared for your easy reference.

Published by on under .Net | C#

Along with Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15042 for PC, Microsoft also released a new build for Windows Mobile. They numbered it as: 15043. If you are in the fast ring, check for updates. Though there are no major changes in this build, but has a set of fixes to the issues reported earlier.


Checkout to read what has been fixed in this build. This build also contains few known issues. Read them before installing this build.

Published by on under News | Windows

A new insiders preview build has been aired by Microsoft. If you are running 64-bit version of Windows 10 in fast ring, check for Windows Update to get the new build 15042. Dona Sarkar in her blog post mentioned that, 32-bit version of Windows won't get this update due to a major bug.


As Microsoft is heading towards the final release, the build contains a bunch of changes, improvements and fixes. Read the known issues for PCs before installing this build.

Published by on under News | Windows