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Sometime we need to filter out a console command output and display only the portion that we want to show to the user. This could be based on any specific term or string that we want to include or exclude based on our requirement.


Today, here in this post, we are going to discuss on this and learn how to extract/filter the said information from the console command output.

Published by on under Batch File | Command Prompt

Microsoft India is providing a free Azure trial pass of Rs. 50,000/- to organization entities to try out Azure from the India data center for 2 months. If you are from India and part of any organization, you just have to fill out an online application form to get started with.


Don’t miss this opportunity. Act now, grab your free trial and get started with Microsoft Cloud service in the Azure portal.

Published by on under Azure | News

If you face the error message “An error occurred while validating. HRESULT = '8000000A'” while building Visual Studio setup project from command line in Visual Studio 2012 or above IDE environment, the reason is because the new IDEs do not support build outside the own process.


But there is a tweak which will help you to enable the same and you will now be allowed to build the MSI setup project from the command line itself.

Published by on under Tips | VisualStudio

Microsoft officially announced the release date of Windows 10 anniversary update. It’s going to be release on 2nd August 2016 and going to be the major update on Windows 10 platform with lot many new features, enhancements and fixes.


Over 350 million devices are currently running Windows 10 and will get this big update for free. Rest of the people either need to upgrade to it before 29th July or need to pay after that offer period ends.

Published by on under News | Win10Tips

On 27th June 2016, Microsoft released Visual Studio 2015 Update 3, Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2015 Update 3 along with .NET Core 1.0. This build focuses on fixes of issues already reported in earlier releases, including the memory consumption issue noticed in Update 2.


This build also has some known issues, which will be fixed in subsequent builds. In this post, sharing the links to download the web installer, ISO image for offline installation.

Published by on under News | Visual Studio 2015

Microsoft .NET Framework is a programming infrastructure created by Microsoft for building, deploying and running applications & services that use .NET technologies, such as desktop applications, web applications and Web services.


In this post, I am going to list down the history of .NET Framework along with the key features which has been introduced with each version of the framework.

Published by on under .Net | C#

Dona Sarkar, the new chief of Windows Insiders Program, released a new Mobile insiders build 14371 for the fast ring users. After the bug bash last week, this build focuses mainly on the bug fixes along with a new feature and some known issues.


Though today’s build is for Mobile insiders, but we are going to see the corresponding PC build soon. This post will cover the new changes, fixes and known issues. Continue reading to know more.

Published by on under News | Win10Tips

If you are addin developer for any Microsoft product, you might have in need to find out the exact version no. of the office product. You can get it from the app version from the interop libraries, but that doesn't return the correct one to you.


So, how to retrieve it? Today in this small post, we will find out the way to get the correct version no. If you know any alternate way, will highly appreciate if you do share it with us.

Published by on under .Net | Office

Microsoft released a new update (Build 16.0.6965.2058) for Office 365 client aka. Office 2016 (Version 1605) on 14th June 2016. This includes one security fix and seven non-security related fixes. If you are using Office 2016, check for updates.


This post will cover the list of fixes part of this Microsoft Tuesday patch. Continue reading to further know about the changes.

Published by on under News | Office

Microsoft released a new cumulative build 10586.420 for Windows 10 version 1511 and a separate build 10240.16942 for Windows 10 initial version. If you are using the initial version or the 1511 version of Windows 10, you will get a update notification on your device.


This build is available for both PC and Mobile devices. Read more to know about the changes in both PC and Mobile build.

Published by on under Windows | Windows 10

When you are more used to with some application software and if you use it daily on a high volume, it's sometime good to learn the keyboard shortcuts of the features that you perform regularly. Outlook exposes a lot of such shortcut keys for you to perform better.


It's not always possible to learn all of them, but good to have the list to learn/view time to time. Here I am listing all the shortcuts of Outlook 2010 - 2016, for your reference.

Published by on under Office | Office 2013

Sometime we work on a Visual Studio solution file that has a huge nos. of projects and folders. Keeping all of them in the Solution Explorer, makes it difficult to manage. Visual Studio provides a way to make it simpler and cleaner.


Though it is available since Visual Studio 2012, but if you are not aware of this feature, let's discuss on this. Continue reading the post to learn about it.

Published by on under Tips | Visual Studio 2013

Microsoft released a new update (version: 16.0.6965.2053) for Office 365 client applications. This includes some new features with some non-security fixes. If you are using Office 365 client or Office 2016, check for office updates.


This post will cover the new changes and the list of fixes bundled with this build. Continue reading to know about it further.

Published by on under News | Office

Dona Sarkar, who has recently taken care the department of Windows Insiders Program after Gabe Aul moved to a new department, in a blog post announced the availability of new insider build 14356 for fast ring users of Windows 10 Mobile.


This build focuses more on the fixes on the issues reported to Microsoft along with some new enhancements to Cortana. Find more to know all these changes and the known issues.

Published by on under News | WinDev

Last Sunday (29th May 2016), we have organized an event in Kolkata, clubbed with topics on different technologies. This includes topics like C# 7.0 Concepts, Azure PowerShell, UWP (Universal Windows Platform), HoloLens with Unity 3D and IoT (Internet of Things).


I have given a session on building UWP apps using C# and XAML. Here I am sharing my slides for you to refer. Those who missed to join the event, check it out.

Published by on under C# | Events

Microsoft released a new Windows 10 Insiders Preview build 14352 to it's fast ring Windows Insiders. If you are a insider and in the fast ring, check out for Windows Update to get the latest build to try before the final release and provide feedback to Microsoft.


Check out what has been improved, what has been fixed and the issues already known to Microsoft before upgrading to this build.

Published by on under News | Win10Tips

Microsoft released a new update on 23rd May for it’s entire set of Office 365 client applications, incrementing the version to 16.0.6868.2067. It’s the third update that they pushed in this month (May 2016) and contains all non-security updates.


Checkout this post to know about all the fixes they pushed in this build, though the folder pane visibility issue is still untouched.

Published by on under News | Office

This Saturday, on 21st May 2016, we organized an event in Kolkata Salt Lake City via c-sharpcorner Kolkata chapter on various topics like AngularJS, Xamarin, Entity Framework – Code First and Coding Horrors – How to improve your code quality with Refactoring.


In this event, I spoke on Coding Horrors and shared in-depth on improving quality of code with Code Refactoring. Those who didn’t make to join, sharing the slides (PPT) here to view.

Published by on under C# Corner | Code Refactoring

Outlook has support to install add-ins from 3rd parties to extend the functionality or to do some additional works which outlook does not provide by default. But in some cases, it starts creating problem due to non-compatible version or bugs within the add-ins.


In such cases, if the outlook fails to start due to issues related to any installed add-ins, we need to boot outlook into safe mode to remove/disable those. Let’s continue learning, how to do this.

Published by on under Outlook | Outlook 2016

These days, most of us use Skype for voice call or chat to connect with relatives and friends. Also, this is used in many organizations as chat client to connect with the other team members. If you are using the free account and don’t have Skype credit, you will see ads from Microsoft in the client application.


Sometime this is annoying! Today in this small post, we will learn about a workaround to hide the Skype advertisements from load.

Published by on under Skype | Tips

If you are using Microsoft Edge browser on Windows 10, you will find that the favorites bar is not visible in the browser. This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off the favorites bar to show in Microsoft Edge for your user account in Windows 10.


Continue reading to know about it and also learn how to import the favorites from other installed browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome etc.

Published by on under Microsoft Edge | Win10Tips

Sometime it happens when malicious and potentially unwanted software including rootkits, installs themselves on your PC and make it difficult to remove even with an up-to-date antivirus program. Windows Defender Offline handles it by booting itself without loading the actual Windows OS.


Earlier, we had to manually install the Windows Defender Offline as a separate executable, but now with Anniversary Update of Windows 10 it will be quite easy. Let’s check what’s coming up next!

Published by on under Tips | Windows

Microsoft released the latest preview build 14342 for PCs for Windows Insiders running on fast ring. This build focuses on new features/enhancements and a lot of bug fixes. As it is a preview build from development branch, it also has some known and unknown issues too.


This post lists down everything that you want to know about the Windows 10 Insiders Preview build 14342 for PC. Don’t forget to check the known issues before installing this build.

Published by on under Tips | Win10Tips

Another preview build for Windows 10 PC just aired by Microsoft, having the build no: 14342. This build is for the Windows Insiders who are in fast ring, running Windows 10 insiders preview. This new build focuses on new enhancements, features and bug fixes.


As it is a preview build from development branch, it also has some known and unknown issues. Checkout the issues listed in the post before downloading.

Published by on under News | Windows