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Microsoft's annual Build Developer Conference 2016 is going to happen in San Francisco from 30th March - 1st April. Microsoft has planned to live stream the Day 1 and Day 2 keynotes on it's Build site. All other sessions will be available for playback later next week.


Apart from the Microsoft Build site, you can also watch the same on my blog, streamed directly from Microsoft's server. Don't forget to watch it live from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM (Pacific Time).

Published by on under Build Conference | Build Conference 2016

Microsoft recently released Windows 10 version 1511 build: 14291 to the fast ring Windows Insiders. This build features some new improvements. It includes support of extensions to Microsoft Edge browser too. Now you will be able to add extensions to the Edge browser and extend it’s functionalities.


In this post, we will discuss on this new feature and guide you to install extensions from Microsoft site. Continue reading and share your feedback to improve Windows 10.

Published by on under Microsoft Edge | Tips

If you have registered for the Windows insiders program and you are unable to receive the Windows 10 preview bits, this could be due to few issues related to configuration settings on your desktop. If you have configured your system properly but still the bits not shown in your available updates, you might have to change some settings manually.


In this post, I will show you the trick which will enable you to receive the bits. Do this changes with precautions. Continue reading more to learn about it.

Published by on under DZone | Tips

Bing Rewards program can help you to earn credits for searching on Bing or trying new features from Bing or other Microsoft products and services, which can be redeemable for a variety of gifts and other rewards. If you are in India, now you can register for it (which is free) and start rewarding yourself by just searching on


If you are new to this, checkout the blog posts and register for this free program. Start searching on Bing, start earning some rewards just for your searches.

Published by on under Bing | Bing Rewards

On 8th March 2016, Microsoft aired a new cumulative update (OS build: 10586.164) for #Windows 10 version 1511. Now they have published the ISO/Offline installer for the said build. This means, you will now be able to download the ISO of the security update once and install it in multiple devices.


Continue reading more to find out the link to download the ISO file of the March 2016 security updates for Window 10. It’s around 846 MB only.

Published by on under News | Win10Tips

Along with Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview build 14283, Microsoft also released a new update for Outlook Mail and Calendar app, having some new improvements. Among those, one cool new enhancement is the ability to turn ON/OFF the message preview in the message pane.


Though it is by default set to ON, but in case you want to hide it or make it visible in future, this small post will help you to configure the same, step-by-step. Continue reading.

Published by on under Outlook | Tips

Gabe Aul, the Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Engineering Systems team, announced the availability of Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview build: 14283 for the fast ring Windows Insiders. Though this build is now limited to few devices, but will later expand to other devices.


This build focuses some new improvements and fixes. As it is an insider build, it also has some known issues. Continue reading the post to know what has been changed, along with the issues currently present.

Published by on under News | WinDev

Microsoft has released a new cumulative update (OS build: 10586.164) for Windows 10 version 1511 on 8th March 2016. If you are not part of Windows Insiders program and in the public release ring, you will get this update through the Windows 10 update service.


This updates includes improvements and security fixes only. No new features were introduced. This post will give you a basic overview of the key changes.

Published by on under News | Win10Tips

If you are building a custom installer of your own, you might want to compress the files inside a ZIP and extract them on need basis. You can easily do this by using some 3rd party libraries, among which some are free and some are paid versions. Why to use additional libraries if the .NET framework provides you the set of APIs?


You might be aware of this, but if you are unaware of it, let me tell you that, it was present since .NET 2.0. Let’s explore it in today’s quick blog tips & tricks. Continue reading and share the link in your network.

Published by on under .Net | C#

If you are using Outlook 2016 (version: 16.0.6568.2025) and configured the email client to download mails using POP3, you might face some issues which will delete all the emails from server inbox after outlook downloads those and/or create duplicate items of the downloaded messages.


Microsoft has shared an workaround to resolve this issue. If you are using that specific version of Outlook 2016, continue reading to know more details of the same and fix the issue temporarily while Microsoft is working on a permanent fix.

Published by on under News | Outlook

The giant company released the RC build (Release Candidate) of Visual Studio 2015 Update 2, focusing mainly on stability and user's feedback received via the Update 1 RTM channel. Microsoft marked this as "Go Live", though it is still under prerelease and has few known issues.


If you want to explore the new changes, read more to find the download links as well as the link towards release notes and a list of bug fixes, known issues.

Published by on under .Net | News

If you are working with XML serialization in .NET/C#, you might have already encountered this and might have analyzed a lot why your data is not serializing though you have written proper code. The reason/solution might be simple but in case you are not aware of such common mistakes, you will definitely break your head finding the root cause.


In this quick post, we will learn about the common mistakes that may happen while declaring the properties of data class that you are going to serialize. Continue reading and let me know, if you find more points to be added here.

Published by on under .Net | C#

In most cases, we use XML files to serialize/de-serialize data from/to the app. To do this, we expose properties of known types and pass them to the serializer for the automatic serialization process. Sometimes, we don’t need to serialize all the properties and manually need to mark them from the serialization process.


In this small blog post, we are going to see the way, by which you can prevent a property from the XML serialization process. Continue reading to know more.

Published by on under .Net | C#

Not every system has the right folder permission set to all user account and hence, sometime we need special access to specific folder during installation or while executing the application. It is not possible to manually set it up by browsing the folder and hence an automation is mandatory.


If you are looking for a way to set the right permission to specific folder(s) using C# code, this post will help you. Continue reading to learn more about it and grab the code.

Published by on under .Net | C#

Whenever you create a new code file in Visual Studio, it adds a default set of using namespaces automatically to faster the development process in common name resolution. Not all of them are mandatory to use and can be remove at later point of time or before code check-in.


Visual Studio 2015 provides us an easy way to organize the using namespaces within the active code file, project and/or solution. You will really love this new feature. Continue reading to learn more about it.

Published by on under Tips | Visual Studio 2015

Apart from the other cool new features, the giant company also added a feature in Microsoft Visual Studio named “Layout Management”. This is a nice feature for people working on multiple devices with Visual Studio 2015. Using this you will be able to save and sync your IDE layout across devices.


Today in this post, we are going to discuss this and will learn how to save and sync the Window Layout. Continue reading and let us know, how this can benefit you.

Published by on under Tips | Visual Studio 2015

For some people, it is sometimes irritating when the "Output" window automatically opens up on the screen when building a project or solution in Visual Studio. For some people, it's the reverse case and they want to check the entire log while the build is running or the console application is running in debug mode.


In Visual Studio, you can control this behavior and ask the IDE whether to open it into view or not. It’s not specific to Visual Studio 2015 and is available since VS 2013. Let's see how to enable/disable it.

Published by on under MVB | Tips

It happens many times (during the coding or code review process) when we need a bigger space in our favorite Visual Studio IDE to check/read the code completely. Closing all the other docked windows/panels, toolbars and then adding them one by one is really very difficult and time-consuming.


Visual Studio 2015 provides us an easy way to switch between a full screen and normal mode. This way, you don’t have to do extra work to create a bigger space. Continue reading to learn more on this topic.

Published by on under Tips | Visual Studio 2015

If you are working in Visual Studio 2015 IDE, you might have noticed the “Quick Launch” search bar, which allows you to quickly navigate to common menus and settings. This is a handy tool that you will need while searching for some options or features within the popular IDE.


Today this post will cover how to enable/disable this “Quick Launch” bar. Continue reading to know these quick tips & tricks on Visual Studio 2015. Pass it on to your friends/colleagues.

Published by on under Tips | Visual Studio 2015

Registry is the heart of Windows Operating System and all/most of the apps and games associates various values/data into the registry, which can be accessed at different point of time. Playing with Windows registry is very dangerous and hence general people should avoid or take special care while working with it.


In case you are a developer, you want to read/write/delete entries to/fro Windows Registry. This post will cover details and code snippets to delete an entire key tree from it. Continue reading to learn how to do it.

Published by on under .Net | C#

Sometime we need to find out details of running process which is external to your current process, might be a third party one. If you are currently looking for some code to find out details of a process, this post will definitely help you. Here we will learn, how to get the process description using C#.


Continue reading to learn about it. Also, sample code has been shared for you to understand it better. If you have specific query, drop a line in the comment section.

Published by on under .Net | C#

Microsoft now stepped one step forward to push Windows 10 to a major set of devices who are still using Windows 7 or Windows 8.x by marking the OS as “Recommended Update”. It’s still your decision whether to opt-in or opt-out. If you opt-in, you will of course get it as free.


It is still a right time to upgrade to Windows 10, but not mandatory. To know more about it and the upgrade process, continue reading this post.

Published by on under DZone | News

I hope you read my previous post on “Building a Toast Notification with text for apps targeting Universal Windows Platform”. There we learned how to create a very basic toast notification. Continuing the series of posts, today we will learn how to add buttons within the notification.


Let’s begin with building toast notification with text and buttons. Stay tuned to learn creating more complex notifications in next blog posts of this series.

Published by on under CodeProject | Tips

Microsoft started rolling out a configuration update to Windows 10 Mobile users who are in fast ring. This might be a step towards rolling out the Redstone update to the Windows 10 Mobile users. If you are already in the fast ring, you might have already got the notifications.


Windows Insiders chief, Gabriel Aul, in a tweet announced the availability of this update which will prepare your device for the next big update and improve all over the upgrade experience.

Published by on under News | Windows