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Here comes an opportunity for Windows Phone Developers to try out the GDR3 update before it reaches to the actual consumers. If you are a WPDev, you can now download Update 3 in your unlocked WP8 device and test your applications against it.


Windows Phone 8 GDR3 comes with a plenty of features and enhancements including bigger screen resolutions, screen rotations and more. Read to get the GDR3 bits in your device.

Published by on under News | WP8

So Microsoft finally came up with an official list of new features in Windows Phone 8 General Distribution Release, named as GDR3. Also, they are now opening a “Developer Preview Program” for the WPDev’s to test their apps against the new OS build before it comes to consumer.


In this post, I am going to share you the set of features that you are going to see in the next update of your Windows Phone 8 device.

Published by on under News | WP8

Here comes my another application for Windows Phone users, named “Place Explorer”. The app is currently available in Windows Phone Store for free. Using this app, you will be able to find out the favourite places around the city near your current location for food, drinks, shopping, accommodations etc.


Find out more details about the app and a downloadable link to install in your Nokia Lumia series of Windows Phone 8 devices.

Published by on under Nokia | Windows Phone Apps

Last month as part of the 5th anniversary celebration of my blog (, we organized a big contest where we had lots of licenses and subscriptions valued $50,000 above to give away. Thanks to all the Sponsors who came up to celebrate with us.


Now the time came to announce the winners of the contest. Are you excited to know who are the winners? You might be one of them too. Let’s check out the list.

Published by on under GiveawayContest |

As a WPDev, you already know about the NavigationService class that we use regularly to navigate from one page to another. But what if you want to navigate to a web URL? If you use the same class for web navigation, you will face a ArgumentException unhandled in your App class.


If you are one of the victim and came to this page by searching online for the solution, this post will help you today to resolve the exception in your code.

Published by on under WP8 | WP8Dev

Do you want to add a functionality in your Windows Phone device which can actually listen to users voice or commands? Do you want the app to record the speech or convert the speech into a text string which you can save as a document?


Okay, this blog post will cover that topic for you today. Here we will discuss how to use the API to enable the speech recognition in your WP device.

Published by on under WP7DEV | WP8

October 1st 2010, the day when I first received a mail from the Microsoft mentioning as one of the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) awardees of the quarter as a Silverlight contributor. I was holding that title on Silverlight platform for last 3 consecutive years.


Like last three years, this time also I have been awarded for this prestigious title but… I am no longer a Silverlight MVP now. Microsoft awarded me as “Client Development MVP” this time.

Published by on under Achievements | Awards

These days almost everyone has a smartphone for Net surfing, Music, Games, Messengers, Official works and many more. If you use the device and subscribe to many services, it will consume more battery power and drain quickly than expected.


In this post we will discuss how to increase the battery power of Windows Phone series devices while in standby mode. If your device battery is draining quickly, check out the solution.

Published by on under Tips | WP7

Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 RC (Release Candidate) is already there and I hope, many of you already downloaded it and started exploring the new features and enhancements part of the release candidate. Visual Studio 2013 provides us a better way to handle XAML pages.


In this blog post, we will learn the new feature introduced to better commenting XAML codes inside Visual Studio 2013 IDE. You will definitely like it.

Published by on under Visual Studio 2013 | VisualStudio

It’s a month to celebrate on various occasions and I want to celebrate them with all of you. This month was the special time when I saw the first sunlight, this month was the special month when my blog was first launched. Not only those, we reached a special milestone of 2 million hits with 2,500+ Twitter followers and 3,500+ Facebook fans.


As we are approaching the 5th anniversary with a long journey all together since 2008, I want to celebrate it with lots of excitements and thus came up with a set of goodies/licenses especially for you. Let’s take part in this giveaway and win those goodies from us.

Published by on under GiveawayContest |


If you are working in Visual Studio to design XAML pages for your Silverlight, WPF, Windows Phone or Windows 8 Store application, you might have noticed that, sometime the Visual Studio IDE freezes for a long time and sometime it crashes.


I faced this issue many time and later found some way to recover from that freeze to continue working. In this post, going to share you the trick. I hope this will help you.

Published by on under Silverlight | Tips

Sometime while working with map control in Windows Phone, we may need to calculate distance between two GeoCoordinates. The Windows Phone 8 SDK already provides you the required API for you to calculate the distance very easily.


If you are looking for a piece of code to do the same, here is the small post for you to understand the API and the way to use it in your app.

Published by on under WP7 | WP7DEV

In a blog post today, S. Somasegar announced the availability of Visual Studio 2013 Release Candidate (RC) and .NET Framework 4.5.1 which is now available for download and has “Go Live” license. You can install Visual Studio 2013 RC on top of preview release or along with Visual Studio 2012.


This post will provide you details about Visual Studio 2013 RC and downloadable links. If you have MSDN/TechNet subscription, you can also find it in your subscription page.

Published by on under News | Visual Studio 2013

Microsoft announced the availability of Windows 8.1 RTM version for the MSDN and TechNet subscribers today. That means, if you have any one of the MSDN or TechNet subscription, you will be able to download it from your subscription page.


General availability of Windows 8.1 will be on 18th October 2013. If you hold a Windows 8 installation, you will be able to upgrade to Windows 8.1 from Store after that.

Published by on under News | Win8

Visual Studio 2013 Preview is already here and many of you already downloaded it and started exploring the new features and enhancements introduced in this version. Few people asked me that, they are not able to build Windows Phone 7 applications in Visual Studio 2013 even after installing the WP7 SDK.


So, what is the issue? How can we build Windows Phone application that targets OS 7? This short post is for those developers who are seeking this information.

Published by on under Visual Studio 2013 | VisualStudio

Everybody wants to protect their code from unauthorized reverse engineers. Isn’t it? For this, a company or a developer needs a Obfuscation tool to add huge noise bits in the generated executable and encrypt it to make sure the disassembler can not read it.


There are many tools in the market and I did some research with few of them. Among them, I liked the “Crypto Obfuscator” tool from LogicNP Software and thus thought to write a review of it here.

Published by on under .Net | Crypto Obfuscator

Everyone wants to update their phone’s operating system whenever a new update comes up with new features and applications etc., isn’t it? Recently Nokia started rolling out an Amber update with new features and applications to it’s entire set of Lumia series and will be available to all users by end of September.


Yesterday I received the update and at a first glance, it was just amazing. In this post, I will share you some noticeable changes in Amber update for Nokia Lumia.

Published by on under Lumia | Nokia

As a developer working inside Visual Studio IDE, there comes many scenarios when we need to position our code few lines above or below the other. Sometime such kind of refactoring of code is quite obvious to execute the code properly.


Considering this case, Microsoft came up with a new enhancement in Visual Studio 2013 where you will be able to position your code easily just using shortcuts. Let’s see what it can do.

Published by on under Tips | Visual Studio 2013

Here I continue the series of “What’s new in Microsoft Visual Studio 2013?” and today I will be covering an ultimate tip that a developer working with Visual Studio must know. This will not only help you but will improve your productivity while coding.


In this post, we are going to talk about “Peek Definition Window” that comes with Visual Studio 2013. What does it do? Let’s check out it.

Published by on under Tips | Visual Studio 2013

If you have already installed and used Visual Studio 2013, you might already noticed that every class and method has “x references” marked on top of it, where ‘x’ is a counter. These are called as “Reference Counter” and provides you information about the uses.


It’s a new feature in Microsoft Visual Studio and will definitely help the developers to find out the referenced count easily. In this blog post, we will discuss about this in detail. Keep reading.

Published by on under Tips | Visual Studio 2013

Tripura is a small hilly state in Northeast India, occupying an area of approx. 4,051 sq. mi (10,490 sq. km). The state is surrounded by Bangladesh on the north, south and west border. The Indian states of Assam and Mizoram lie to its east. The state capital is Agartala.


Those who want to know about the state, it's districts, culture, tourist places and hotels can download this app which will provide you more details about the state. Get the free downloadable links in this post.

Published by on under DZone | Windows Phone Apps

Recently I got a chance to write a guest blog post on Telerik’s official site and the topic was “How to Export content from RadRichTextBox to a variety of formats in WPF or Silverlight”. Thanks to the Telerik XAML Team who gave me this opportunity.


The article covers the simple steps to export the rich text content of the Telerik RadRichTextBox control. This could be an additional benefit to the end users who are using Silverlight or WPF app.

Published by on under Silverlight | Silverlight5

Visual Studio 2013 Preview is already available for download and probably the RTM version will come up soon later this year (no expected date yet). Microsoft came up with a set of new features in this release of Visual Studio IDE.


Among them, the first feature that you will notice in VS2013 is the synchronization of appearance, settings, keyboard shortcuts etc. across all devices that you use. Let’s have a first glance to it.

Published by on under Tips | Visual Studio 2013


We had a great event on 10th August on Windows Phone application development in our C# Corner Chapter meet. We had a no. of enthusiastic attendees this time in our event and everyone enjoyed the sessions a lot. Thanks to everyone who attended. Looking forward for your participation in the coming days.


In this post I am going to share the agenda, pictures and slides. Also, I am announcing the date of the next monthly meet. Don’t forget to register for the event and join us in September.

Published by on under C# Corner | Events