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Telerik Team recently published a Picture Gallery application for Windows Phone demonstrating how to create a native Windows Phone client for Flickr or any other image hosting service. The app is freely available with source code.


You can use this source code and modify it to extend to a better application of your choice. Don’t forget to tweet this post as it will give you a chance to win Telerik RadControls license for WP.

Published by on under Telerik | WP7

Recently I had shown few of my Windows Phone application to few people and connected with one “Mahatma” (Guru) and inspired by him I built a “Quotes of Vivekananda” application for the sake of Swami Vivekananda lovers.


I am dedicating this application to all the followers of Vivekananda who need the bless and inspiration from his great quotes.

Published by on under DZone | Silverlight

Here comes the 6th Windows Phone application from me named “Emergency Dialer”. This application is freely available in the Marketplace and I hope, this will be helpful for you and your parents for sure.


I am dedicating this phone app to all the senior citizens who need to contact their doctor, nurse or family members in emergency. Sharing herewith few snaps and downloadable link.

Published by on under DZone | Silverlight

Microsoft just announced that, “Windows Store” is now open for all developers across 120 markets all over the world. Till date it was only available to the company accounts and no individual registration was possible.


This announcement will now bring more developers under a roof to build Windows 8 Style applications for Windows Store. Continue reading for more information.

Published by on under News | Win8

It’s celebration time for me as I have completed a 500 posts milestone in my blog and as announced, I am going to raffle few goodies to my blog followers for their support. This will have 4 different types of items to giveaway.


Don’t waste your time and enter to this small contest to Win subscription from Pluralsight, SQL Server Interview book from Pinal Dave/Vinod Kumar, Telerik license and more.

Published by on under GiveawayContest |

Many of us build Windows Phone applications and we try to market ourselves and/or our apps. Writing the same code for all the apps is not a big tough but why to write? That’s why I wrote a single code file for my apps and thought to share it with you.


Let’s begin with the source code and if you have more to share for other developers, post in the comment section and help them to code easily.

Published by on under Tips | WP7

If you are a web developer, many time you want to use a HTML Color Code Generator, which can give you proper hex-code for your selected color. Also, you might want to integrate a color palate in your web application for your user.


This post will help you to build a color palate in any web page and chose your color code from there. A sample and it’s code is attached here for your direct referral.

Published by on under HTML | JavaScript

Today Microsoft announced that they are near to the final release of WP8 SDK tools for developers after doing several testing by selected partners and developers. Though the final WP8 SDK will be available publicly later this year but they are going to open applications for limited developers.


If you are interested to getting your hands dirty with the new bits, read out the complete post for details.

Published by on under News | Tools

Almost all of us use ListBox control in our Windows Phone applications to load a no. of records in the screen. Telerik provides their own ListBox control named as "RadDataBoundListBox" which has lots of additional features and performance benefits compare to default Silverlight ListBox.


Today in this post, we will jumpstart with the RadDataBoundListBox and see the benefits of using it in our applications.

Published by on under Telerik | WP7

At the time of developing your Windows Phone 7 application, you might see a build error. The build error describes as “The target ‘GetCopyToOutputDirectoryContentProjectItems’ does not exist in the project”.


This small post will describe you the solution to fix this error and build your WP7 apps smoothly. Continue reading and if you still face the issue, let me know.

Published by on under DZone | Tips

If you have installed Windows 8 RTM, you might have noticed that the “Hibernate” option is missing in “Power Menu”. So you might want to activate this option in your Windows 8 Power Menu to enable the Hibernate in your system.


This blog post will help you to enable “Hibernate” option in your Windows 8 Power Menu. Continue reading to further know about it step-by-step.

Published by on under Tips | Win8

Windows 8 RTM is currently available for MSDN Subscribers and also a 90 days trial available for the general users. Microsoft already planned to release it for general consumers availability on 26th October 2012.


Windows 8 has some new sets of keyboard shortcuts which I am going to share here in this blog post. I hope, you will like it. So, continue reading.

Published by on under Win8 | Windows

Today in this small post we will learn how to capture a screenshot of your installed applications in Windows 8 RTM. Whether it is desktop app or a Windows 8 app, you will be able to take screenshot by just pressing a key combination without installing any other software.


Not only that, the captured screenshot will be saved to your hard drive as an image file, so that you can directly access them. Continue to read more about it.

Published by on under Tips | Win8

Microsoft India presents Windows 8 AppFest, the world’s largest coding marathon for building great apps for Windows 8. It is going to happen on 21st and 22nd September 2012 at Bengaluru, Karnataka.


If you have the passion to learn and build a quality app for Windows 8 with the help of Microsoft Engineers and trainers, don’t forget to register for it to attend.

Published by on under Events | News

Do you know that, you can easily share the internet connection of your Windows Phone 7 device to your Laptop? Yes, you can share the phone’s data connection to other devices using the Wi-Fi broadcasting.


In this blog post, I will share you the steps which will be helpful for you to faster connect to the net in your Laptop and share the data connection from your mobile device.

Published by on under Tips | WP7

Did you install Visual Studio 2012 in a fresh new environment and willing to target your project for .NET Framework prior to Framework 4 but could not see the option to change to the older framework version? This post will help you in details.


Continue reading more to know about the default .NET Targeted Framework of Visual Studio 2012 and the steps to install additional framework version.

Published by on under .Net | VisualStudio


JustDecompile is a free tool from Telerik for .NET assembly browsing and decompiling. It lets you take an existing compiled assembly and then decompile the assembly language back to readable C#, VB and IL code.


This free .NET decompiler is now extensible and the first plugins are now available for download. Continue reading to know more about it.

Published by on under .Net | JustDecompile

Are you waiting for the big turning point in your professional life? This is the age of Apps and an idea is all it takes. So hone your skills by getting the latest training on Windows Phone Application Development.


Microsoft is organizing a 5 days webcast on Windows Phone Series for 2 hours daily. Take part of it and learn more on Windows Phone application development.

Published by on under Events | Webcast

After installing Windows 8 RTM, I was facing an issue that says "Windows can't activate right now. Try activating Windows later". I tried it multiple times but couldn't figure out what was the actual issue here.

Later @LBugnion shared me the trick to resolve this issue which I am going to share here in my blog, so that you can find it useful.

Published by on under Tips | Win8

Along with Windows 8 RTM for MSDN/TechNet Subscribers, Microsoft released Visual Studio 2012 and .NET 4.5 to the MSDN/TechNet Subscribers and all other developers. This is the latest version of the popular Software development tool in Microsoft platform.


In a blog post today, Somasegar announced the availability of Visual Studio 2012, .NET 4.5 and Blend. Continue reading to find out the links and other important information about this releases.

Published by on under .Net | News

Recently Microsoft released Windows 8 RTM (build version: #9200) to the OEM Manufacturer and mentioned that the product will be available to the MSDN/TechNet Subscribers on 15th August 2012 and will be available for general public use on 26th October 2012.


As per their commencement, the product is now available for download. Find out the links to download the new OS from Microsoft. Also there is a link to download the 90 days Trial version.

Published by on under News | Windows

Microsoft now announced new benefits that will help you get your apps out to millions of people to see, try and buy! As an MSDN subscriber, you’ll now receive one-time 12 month Windows Store and
Windows Phone Developer accounts!


After reimagined Windows Phone Store from Windows Phone Marketplace, Microsoft announced this to the MSDN subscribers. To know more about the benefits and to get the links, check out the post.

Published by on under MSDN | News

Yesterday the Windows Phone Dev Center was down for quite a long time. The main reason behind that was probably Microsoft team was deploying the new version of the site.


When we visited the site today, we noticed a new version of the whole site. That’s not only a fresh, new UI experience but you’ll also find everything you need to create great apps for your customers with new features.

Published by on under News | WP7DEV