The gaming world has come a long way since we played our games with 2D pixelated screens and tinny 8-bit theme songs. Now, we're entering a new era of gaming that goes beyond the television screen or computer monitor, becoming one with the games we're playing, thanks to virtual reality technology.


This article will examine how virtual reality is changing the way we play video games, ranging from online rooms that feel real to those that help immerse you in the in-game world. If you’re excited by the rise of virtual reality gaming, you've come to the right place.


The Art of Immersion: How VR is Redefining Gaming
Image by jingsheng yuan from Pixabay


The evolution of virtual reality

If we want to understand the scale of our journey over the past few decades, we must take a step back. The first virtual reality concept can be seen as far back as the early 1960s, which hypothesized the wearing of head-mounted displays that a user would have attached to them, showing a false reality. This big idea remained a mere concept for a few decades, not taken seriously until the late 1980s when systems such as the Virtuality and Nintendo Virtual Boy were released.


Today we can see that the enormous advancements in computing and general technology have made virtual reality a real, usable piece of equipment. Made popular by the first Oculus Rift systems, it is common to hear of somebody owning a virtual reality system, even if they have yet to be used to their full potential. We're closer than ever to having wearable tech that has the power to change the way we interact with the world.



Immersion in VR Gaming

The Art of Immersion: How VR is Redefining Gaming
Image by Florian Pircher from Pixabay


The core aim of virtual reality is to create a realistic sense of belonging within a place that is not real yet natural enough for us to become immersed in it. This is complex and requires finding a delicate balance. By using cutting-edge technology that can create worlds that look and behave like the real world, we can help users become a part of that world, resulting in a more immersive experience.


When we use virtual reality technology to play video games, we can look around, move about and interact with things just as we do in the real world, which helps to blur the lines between what's real and what isn't, which can become hard to distinguish. While some aspects still feel almost impossible to replicate, such as the natural elements, advancements are being made, such as Elon Musk's Neuralink, that could bridge the gap between actual and simulated feelings.



Overcoming challenges and limitations

The Art of Immersion: How VR is Redefining Gaming
Image by justraveling from Pixabay


While virtual reality is powerful and can fundamentally change how we live, work and play, some clear limitations need to be addressed and explained. One of the key concerns is that virtual reality technology can result in the user feeling a strong sense of motion sickness. This seems especially prevalent when playing games that are set in fast-paced environments, such as racing games, first-person shooters and flight simulators.


Cost is another barrier for many users worldwide. Even though it has been around for the better part of a decade, this technology is still very expensive. While the cost of this technology is lower than it was, expecting the world to adopt it fully, and for it to become the go-to gaming medium is just completely unrealistic. Until this technology can be bought by most gamers, no matter where they're based, it will remain just out of reach.



Our final obstacle that developers will need to overcome if they want to ensure widespread adoption is the technology itself, especially in terms of graphics and built-in displays. While they aren't particularly bad, they're nowhere near as good quality as the television we currently use, meaning that for many, they'll remain a novelty, something to use every once in a while before then being cast aside when they want an experience in its intended visual form.



The Future of VR Gaming

As we look towards the future, it's evident that virtual reality will play a far more significant role in the gaming world, especially if it can overcome the above-mentioned obstacles. The new release of devices that include better technology will help to bridge the gap between what's real and what isn't, making the transition from traditional displays much less stressful. If we can find a way to make the experience more immersive, without having to have an experimental chip implemented into our heads, that will also encourage uptake and allow it to become the new normal.


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