Technology became a main part of our lives a long time ago. Yet, the pandemic that hit us in 2020 pushed the influence of technology into education. Since distance learning was the only option, EdTech (Educational Technology) is one of the most developed branches of technology.


Teachers and students had to lean on online classrooms and other platforms like for online studying. It opens doors for interesting, interactive, and more engaging content.


Technology trends that will affect the future of education
Technology trends that will affect the future of education


From that time, the teacher started to use podcasts, YouTube videos, and other audio-visual materials to illustrate lessons. Students made online groups for collaborating learning and sharing PDF books, textbooks, notes, and other useful stuff.


In addition, students began to manage their time a little more freely and set priorities on their own. For example, you can order research papers here and spend the saved time on specialized subjects or what the student considers more appropriate.



The development of EdTech has many positive sides. One of them is reducing costs. Online textbooks will be available for everyone. Also, students won't need to pay rent in a foreign country if they want to study abroad. Organizations and companies could foster online presentations and courses. This would save money spent on seminars and training sessions in expensive hubs and hotels. Also, EdTech is more accessible than traditional schools. It gives them the opportunity to students to learn wherever and whenever they want.


We will present you with five technology trends in education. Some of them are already in use, but some of them just make their place in school and college classrooms.




One of the most useful technology trends is Massive Open Online Courses. This is an incredible platform for free online courses. These courses are available for everyone. For example, if someone wants to become a professional writer, he could attend some of the courses on MOOCs.


Otherwise, students can seek creative writing courses, or they can find websites where they can buy essay papers to help them. Both options are technology marvels of the 21st century. They give you opportunities to gain new or improve existing skills and gain wide knowledge.



Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)

AR and VR are the future of technology in education. They are slowly becoming a part of lessons in schools and colleges. Augmented reality presents a real world, only enhanced and extended with virtual information. On the other hand, virtual reality would put students in a computer-generated environment.


They would feel like they are in some particular scene surrounded by diverse objects. These two techniques can make lectures more interactive and knock down the classroom's four walls. By using AR and VR teachers can conjure different historical figures, ancient times, and scientific experiments.



Development of Google services

Until a few years ago, Google was only a powerful search browser. By that time, they make serious improvements. Now it is the most visited site in the world. Their services are very useful for both teachers and students. They offer various options for communication and learning.


One of the most practical options is Google Translate. It helps many students when they learn words and expressions in a foreign language. Teachers and students can even imagine one school day without Google Docs, Sheets and Forms, and Gmail.


Students use these services for communicating with educators and preparing assignments. When students research diverse topics, they use Google Scholar, where they can find academic papers and journal articles from respectable sources.


Another Google service for interaction between students and teachers is Google Classroom. On this platform, students can submit their essays and other tasks and get feedback from educators.



Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is definitely the biggest thing in the future of technology in education. Even 85% of teachers think that education needs artificial intelligence and automation. AI can recognize the intelligence level, the speed of the learners, and their preferences. So, it can provide an individualized learning experience.


Moreover, AI-driven software provides access to learning material for students in need. These are aids for students that speak different languages or suffer from hearing impairment. In addition, AI can automate different administrative and teaching processes.


There are AI apps that can run student admission processes or grade student tests. So, both teachers and students benefit from the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in education.


Technology trends that will affect the future of education
Technology trends that will affect the future of education



Video-Assisted Learning

Another useful trend in online education is video-assisted learning. Instead of watching the teacher on live video, students can watch and listen at any time. They can pause it if they have to take a break. Also, they can rewind it if they didn't hear some definition or something else important for the following lecture.


The greatest side of online video presentations is that students can watch them over and over. And it doesn't matter if they are on the bus or laying on their sofa. They can follow the lecture wherever they are.




We are witnesses to big technological improvements in education. Augmented and virtual reality as well as artificial intelligence were unimaginable in everyday use in schools and colleges a decade ago. However, they are becoming a standard rapidly.


As we saw in this article, these technology trends are of great help in education for teachers and students, alike. They provide a more interactive, more vivid, and more efficient education process.


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