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If you have an HP Laptop and the keyboard keys are not working properly, then follow this article to help solve your problem. We will try some solutions in a hierarchical manner, from the easiest ones to the hardest ones.


If none of the solutions below in this article work, it might be that your laptop keyboard has a severe problem and requires expert attention. If you want to know how fast you can press space bar take this spacebar clicker challenge and check your spacebar clicking speed.


HP Laptop Keys Not Working (Solved)



HP Laptop Keys Not Working (Fixed)

With that being said, here are 5 solutions that will solve your HP Laptop Keys problem:

  1. Plug and Unplug
  2. Update Keyboard Driver
  3. Reinstall Keyboard Driver
  4. Adjust Keyboard Settings
  5. Clean Keyboard


But before starting the troubleshoot, you need to make sure that if all the keys are not working or only a few keys are not working. To do so, follow this guide:

  1. First of all, open
  2. Now Launch the tester, a virtual keyboard should be open.
  3. Here, press all the keys one by one and check if all the keys are working properly or not.



If your complete keyboard is not working, then you can follow the troubleshooting below. In case, if some keys are working and some keys are not working then this might be due to internal motherboard failure and it's time to replace the keyboard. Before proceeding further, you may also try out Keyboard Latency Test to check the keyboard Response Time, Delay & Polling Rate.


1. Plug and Unplug

The first step that you should take if your laptop keys are not working is to power off your HP laptop and power it on. Sometimes, a laptop has one of those silliest issues and starts working once it is restarted.


HP Laptop Keys Not Working


2. Update Keyboard Driver

Before this method begins, you would probably want to log in to your computer. So, to type in your password, you can simply see a clock icon at the bottom right of your screen. Click on it and select ‘On-Screen Keyboard.’ This will enable a virtual keyboard to appear.


The next step that you should try is to look for any outdated keyboard drivers and update them. To do so in an HP laptop, you need to:

  1. At the bottom left of your laptop, select the windows icon and then go to settings.
  2. Select Ease of Access then scrolls down to find the Keyboard section.
  3. Here, enable your screen keyboard.
  4. Now using the virtual keyboard, search for Device Manager.
  5. Click on the ‘Keyboard’ section, and a drop-down will appear showing your keyboard’s name.
  6. Right click and select ‘Update Driver”.


HP Laptop Keys Not Working


  1. A new menu should appear; select Browse my computer for driver software.
  2. Then click on Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer.
  3. Here, click on ‘Standard PS/2 keyboard’.
  4. Finally, press next, and the update should start, which will be effective only after you restart.


3. Reinstall Keyboard Driver

Usually, after updating keyboard drivers, the keyboard starts working. However, if that still doesn’t work, we should now try uninstalling the keyboard driver and reinstalling it back.

  1. At the bottom left of your laptop, select the windows icon and then go to settings.
  2. Select Ease of Access then scrolls down to find the Keyboard section.
  3. Here, enable your screen keyboard.
  4. Now using the virtual keyboard, search for ‘Device Manager.



HP Laptop Keys Not Working


  1. Click on the ‘Keyboard’ section, and a drop-down will appear showing your keyboard’s name.
  2. Right-click and select ‘Uninstall Driver’.
  3. Confirm installation and press yes to restart your laptop.


If you want to do it manually, then you can download it from the HP official website.



4. Adjust Keyboard Settings

It’s super rare that you’d have to come so far as to adjust the keyboard settings. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Click the windows icon on the bottom left of the screen and go to settings.
  2. Select ‘Ease of Access and scroll down to the Keyboard Section.
  3. Here, scroll down once more until you see the label ‘Use Filter Keys’.
  4. If this function is enabled, then disable it and if it is disabled, then enable it.


HP Laptop Keys Not Working


5. Clean Keyboard

Although simply cleaning your keyboard doesn’t solve the issue of the keyboard not working, this method does help if a few keys in the keyboard aren’t working.

  1. Grab a clean, dry cloth to wipe the crumbs and dust off your keyboard.
  2. Then, dampen a cloth or, using a glass cleaner, gently rub the keyboard to remove the stickiness that must’ve come due to spilled food.
  3. Make sure that your computer is switched off while you are cleaning it.
  4. Always ensure to provide regular cleanings to your keyboard so that it doesn’t dirty to the point where some keys stop working.


HP Laptop Keys Not Working


You can put a set of custom stickers on the keyboard, so that the stickers can protect it if it gets too gray. If you don't like it or it gets dirty, you can just tear it off without damaging the keyboard. Not only that, but it can also make your keyboard look more unique and beautiful. Isn’t it cool to DIY your own keyboard and add your own unique ideas?


Custom Stickers



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q) Why are my HP laptop brightness keys not working?

A) While you are trying to increase and decrease the brightness of your HP laptop, make sure that you are pressing the combination key of the ‘Fn’ and the brightness key. Press these together, and your brightness should increase.


Another method that will work if this doesn’t is to update your keyboard driver. To update your HP keyboard driver, you can refer to the 2nd Section of this article which shows the step-by-step process.


Q) How do I use my laptop if the keys aren’t working?

A) In an HP laptop, you always have the option of using a virtual keyboard. Now, you might want this keyboard to be unlocked when you want to type in the password to unlock the computer. To do this, press the ‘clock’ symbol at the bottom right of the screen and click on ‘On Screen Keyboard’.


To enable a virtual keyboard after unlocking the keyboard:

  1. At the bottom left of your laptop, select the windows icon and then go to settings.
  2. Select Ease of Access then scrolls down to find the Keyboard section.
  3. Here, enable your screen keyboard.




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