Creating the perfect traveling video doesn’t have to be hard! Click here, especially if you’re just getting started with video making and editing.


This video-making guide will help you through every step of the process. From pre-production all the way to editing and distribution. So that your videos are not only perfect, but they’re also effective in reaching your audience. The first step to creating the perfect travel video? Choose your location!


How to Create the Perfect Travelling Video


Choose a Vision

Because you’re creating a video that reflects your unique perspective and voice. It’s important that you have a vision for what it will be like. It doesn’t need to be anything specific; just know how you want people to feel when they watch your video.


Will they laugh? Cry? Think deeply about something? Figure out why you made the video in order to better articulate why people should watch it.


Follow the Story

Great travel videos aren’t just about beautiful scenery—they’re about telling a story. Whether it’s shooting your own documentary or interviewing people along your journey. Focusing on narrative will make you stand out from all of those other videos that only showcase location. And when in doubt, follow Hemingway’s advice: If a scene doesn’t add something new to what is already there and if it doesn't advance the story, take it out.


How to Create the Perfect Travelling Video


Pick Your Editing Software

A video maker can help you capture and record your adventures, but choosing which editing software is right for you can be a daunting task.


Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X, iMovie, and Avid Media Composer are all popular options that vary in price and features. It’s also important to note that some video makers offer cloud storage while others do not.


Cloud storage allows you to access your videos from any device. Also, which is especially useful if you want to share videos with friends or family.


Edit, Edit, Edit!

Once you pick your video maker (we chose, it’s time to start editing! Most video makers offer a free trial, so take advantage of it. Make sure that you know how to use all of its features before starting on your actual video. We recommend making a few short videos first to get used to the interface.


As soon as you’re comfortable with your video maker, start thinking about what kind of video you want to create: Do you want to give viewers an inside look at your day-to-day life? Or maybe show off some skills? Maybe even just share something funny or interesting?


Remember: every video is an opportunity for exposure, so think carefully about what type of content will help showcase your brand in a positive light.



Add Music and Sound Effects

Adding music and sound effects is a great way to make your video stand out, but it can also be a complicated process. In fact, adding music on its own can be daunting for many people. The good news is that you can easily create a mood without dropping thousands of dollars on sound-editing software or hiring an expensive videographer.


If you’re looking to add some background music, there are plenty of free resources online where you can find royalty-free tunes. And if you want your video to have professional quality audio, don’t overlook using ambient sounds—the hum of traffic in a busy city street or seagulls crying overhead—to enhance your video experience. You can even choose a video maker that provides royalty-free music to enhance your traveling video!


Don’t Forget The Captions!

Captions are essential for any video intended for public consumption. They’re a great way to give context and, even more importantly, make your video accessible to viewers who don’t want to wait through an entire video just for one glimpse of something cool.


If you intend on producing videos with lots of cool moments, captions are vital. We recommend including them in every video—even if they aren’t needed for accessibility purposes.



Use Filters to Bring it All Together

Filters and angles play a huge role in a memorable, engaging video. You can set these filters on your camera or phone so you don’t have to think about them while you’re filming—just change it up as appropriate!


Use filters like grunge, lomo, or hdr. Set your angle vertically if you want it to feel more intimate. Or try an overhead shot for something different. Experiment with different settings and see what works best for your story.


Final Thoughts

When you’re creating a video, spend most of your time planning. Write out what you want to include and have a plan for how long it will be. You can always edit clips later but it’s best if you have an idea of what your final product will look like before going into production.


With a video maker platform such as Animoto or Wideo, it is possible to create professional-looking videos without any prior experience or expensive equipment. Once you are happy with your video, share it on social media and via email so that others can see what they can do when traveling.


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