Today we're going to talk to you about ways to protect your personal data online to help you avoid hacking passwords, losing your account, tracking your online activity, and making sure your online communications are safe while playing casino online games or just reading the news.


Cybersecurity: How to protect your personal data online



How to protect your personal data online

Protecting Your Information

Websites, apps, social networks, and search engines are constantly collecting information about users. The data obtained is used to analyze the interests of page visitors, their buying activity and demand, to study the target audience and advertising settings.


At first glance, this seems convenient - browsers remember passwords, store data about search queries and pages you've visited. On the other hand, it's easy for cybercriminals to take advantage of your data. Your account may be hacked, and your personal information may be shared with others who use it for fraudulent or other criminal purposes. To prevent this from happening, follow a few simple rules.


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Cybersecurity: How to protect your personal data online - Passwords

Passwords are the main way to protect your personal data on the Internet, so you should treat them with special attention.

  • Do not keep password information on the computer you use to access the Internet. Of course, it is best to keep passwords in mind. If your password is too complex, better write it down separately on a piece of paper or in a notepad and keep it in a safe place.
  • Use two-step authentication to keep your accounts secure. Regularly check your email and SMS messages - if you receive suspicious notifications you will always be able to stop intruders.
  • Don't use information that intruders can find for passwords: your date of birth, document numbers, phone numbers, names of your friends and relatives, your address, etc.
  • Make up complex passwords at least 8 characters long, using upper and lower case letters, digits, special symbols %$#.
  • Don't use the same password on different sites.
  • Change your passwords on a regular basis.


Learn Your Privacy Policy

Before you install an application or browser extension, use an online service or sign up for a social networking service, be sure to review the privacy policy. Make sure that the app or site doesn't take control of your personal information - photos, email address, or phone number.


App Permissions

Many apps ask for email details or access to the camera, photo gallery, and microphone. Don't give permissions automatically; keep track of what information the app asks for. In some cases, it's wise to opt-out of using it all together so that you don't give out personal information about yourself to unknown parties.


Browser Settings

Cybersecurity: How to protect your personal data online - Browser Settings

Do not allow your browser to automatically remember passwords to personal sites and pages, but rather disable this option in the settings. This especially concerns sites where you need to enter your document numbers or bank card numbers. Auto-saving passwords increase the risk of hacking personal pages: if a malefactor gains access to your computer, he will have no trouble retrieving this data from the browser memory.


Turn off browser synchronization on your computer and smartphone. If you don't, if you lose your phone, all of your personal pages and accounts will be exposed to unauthorized people.


Clean Up Your Cookies

Cookies are temporary Internet files on your device that contain information about the sites you visit. Cookies allow sites to remember your username, passwords, email, order history, or shopping cart contents. They can also keep track of your online activity, interests, and preferences. In addition, cookies can be used to hack your mailbox and gain access to your personal information. From time to time, delete cookies on your computer and smartphone. You can do this in your browser settings.


Ad Blocking

Special ad-blocking programs simultaneously monitor attempts by unauthorized programs to get information from your computer, so it is useful to download and install such a blocker to protect personal data.


Secure Connection

Websites that contain sensitive information (banks, state institutions, online stores) usually use special data transfer protocols. During the secure connection, the data is encrypted using SSL technology and becomes inaccessible to third parties. If you see a green "lock" in front of "https://" in your browser's address bar, it means that the site uses a secure connection. Pay attention to this, when you enter your login, password, bank card number, or other personal data.


Home Wi-Fi

Cybersecurity: How to protect your personal data online - Home Wi-Fi

Using open Wi-Fi networks in cafes or shopping malls is not safe, attackers can use them to hack your computer or smartphone and steal passwords. When you're in a public place, don't visit sites that require passwords and personal information - do it over a mobile network or home Wi-Fi.



To protect yourself from online fraud, follow a few rules:

  • When registering on a social network, close your account from outsiders, and publish posts with personal information in "friend mode".
  • Limit your online contact with strangers. Never give out personal information. If a stranger wants to meet in person, let your parents know. Never go to such meetings alone.
  • Do not publish personal information in the public domain: address, document numbers, bank card numbers, tickets, and so on.
  • Don't follow suspicious links, even if you received them by mail or in a message from a user you know.
  • Don't download files from suspicious or untrustworthy sites.


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