Microsoft recently released Windows 10 Mobile build 10.0.10586.63 to Windows Insiders in the fast ring. There’s not such noticable changes in this build, but I have noticed one cool feature that allows you to select and copy a portion of text from SMS messages easily by just tapping.
In this post, I am going to share you details about this with proper screenshot for easy understanding. I hope that, you will like it. Let us know, what you discover more on this build.

If you are a fast ring Windows Insiders for Windows 10 Mobile build, you might already have received the 10.0.10586.63. If not, check for updates to get this build. There’s no such visible changes in this build, but a small but useful feature that allows you to copy any text from SMS directly by selecting it.
Prior to that, there was no selection mechanism in SMS app. We had to copy the entire text. But in this build, you can select and copy any portion of the string message. Just tap any word, drag the selection indicator as shown below. That’s it! Now click on the copy icon to copy the selected text.

Liked the post? Don’t forget to share your feedback. If you already installed this build and found some other features or improvements, do let us know. Stay connected with me on Twitter, Facebook and/or Google+. Subscribe to my blog’s RSS feed and email newsletter to get regular updates about new posts that I share here. Till the time I write a new blog post, read my other posts. Cheers!!!