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If you are a developer and developing code using Visual Studio IDE, you might want to learn the shortcut keys that our facorite IDE exposes to use. Mads Kristensen developed a Visual Studio extension and exported all the keyboard shortcuts of Visual Studio 2012, 2013 and 2015.


In this post, I am not only bookmarking the tool and link to the site, but also sharing the same with you. I hope, it will be useful for you in day to day development life.


The complete list of Visual Studio (2012/2013/2015) keyboard shortcuts (


Keyboard Shortcut Exporter

It’s a Visual Studio extension developed by Mads Kristensen, which makes it easy to export all the keyboard shortcuts available in Visual Studio - including custom bindings. When installed, it will add a menu item called “Export Shortcuts…” under the “Tools” menu.


You can get the Visual Studio extension here: Keyboard Shortcut Exporter

The project is also available on GitHub: ShortcutExplorer


Visual Studio keyboard shortcuts (



Using this tool, Kristensen has exported all the shortcut keys of Visual Studio 2012, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2015 and hosted under What else a developer needs after this! I hope that, this information was useful and will improve your productivity in terms of using shortcut keys in Visual Studio. You can find all these informations for each version of the IDE at the following location:


Visual Studio 2012 keyboard shortcuts -

Visual Studio 2013 keyboard shortcuts -

Visual Studio 2015 keyboard shortcuts -



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