You might be aware that, Microsoft planned to downgrade all OneDrive personal accounts from 15GB free space to 5GB and that will hit all of your account soon. Now they came with an offer which will allow you to keep your base storage quota and camera roll bonus, even after the changes rolls out.
If you want to keep your 15GB free OneDrive space, just follow the steps mentioned in this post and your account will not be affected when the amount of free storage changes.

It's definitely a good news! Microsoft is now allowing it's users to keep their base storage space of 15GB intact even after they are roll out a downgrade plan sooner in 2016. This will not be done to all users unless they explicitly request Microsoft to keep their space intact. To do so, just navigate to the link: before 31st January 2016, login with your Microsoft account and ask Microsoft to keep your free storage.

Once done, you will see a success message with the following line "Your account will not be affected by the upcoming storage changes". That means, your existing 15GB free space and 15GB Camera Roll bonus will remain same even after Microsoft downgrades all other accounts. Please note that, this offer must be redeemed before 31st January 2016.

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