Wish you all a Happy New Year 2015

“Time and Tide wait for none” – seriously, how the year passed through and a new journey is going to start with fresh hope, fresh expectatio... - Article authored by Kunal Chowdhury on .

“Time and Tide wait for none” – seriously, how the year passed through and a new journey is going to start with fresh hope, fresh expectation by forgetting the past and thinking ahead. Thanks to all my friends, family members, blog followers and other known/unknown persons with whom I am connected virtually.


The year 2014 is over. We did many things in 2014 and let us do more in the coming year and deliver our best to our work. Thanks for all your support and feedback to my articles.


The year 2014 was a great time for me. I wrote a no. of articles on my Blog and CodeProject. Delivered many sessions in the UG events. Got the Microsoft MVP award for the 5th time in a row. Build many apps for Windows Store and Windows Phone Store, keeping myself busy for the community and the consumers both. And finally the year is ending with love, happiness and all your support. Thank you everyone for everything that you gave in my life and the help that you provided to progress in my career.



Once again, at the end of the year…
Thanks to those who hated me, because they made me a stronger person.
Thanks to those who loved me, because they made my heart bigger.
Thanks to those who were worried about me, because they let me know that they cared about me.
Thanks to those who left me, because they made me realize that nothing lasts forever.
Thanks to those who entered my life and never left, because they made me know who I am.
And my special thanks to all my friends, who supported me throughout the year 2014.



Before leaving the last post of the year, let’s share our resolution for next year. We all know that a new year brings a new challenge, a new goal, a new optimism, a new approach, a new mission and a new resolution. My resolution of the year is to improve my Technical skills, learn something new and share my knowledge towards the developer community. What’s yours? Drop a line below and share it with others.


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