Windows 10, which is now in Technical Preview Release, coming up with Data Sense and Battery Saver settings. If you are a Windows Insider and already set your system in “Fast” channel to get the quick preview builds, you might already have installed the build version 9860.


Data Sense and Battery Saver settings pushed into this build with no functionalities actually, but confirms their availabilities in coming builds. Let’s go thru the overview of those which we might get in future.



In Windows 10 (Technical Preview Build: 9860 and above), when you open the PC Settings you will find two additional settings link at the left navigational panel of the screen and they are “Data Sense” and “Battery Saver”. They are already available in Windows Phone and newly introducing in desktop, tablet versions of the Windows operating system.


Data Sense in Windows 10

Data Sense in Windows 10 PC Settings (


When you click the “Data Sense”, it will open the respective settings page in the screen with three child items named Overview, Usage and Settings. The overview tab provides a brief details about your internet consumption over Wi-Fi and Cellular data. Though it is now available in the general PC version, but I guess, they will do the changes to make it available for only laptops, tabs etc. where Wi-Fi connection and/or Cellular data connection is available.


Data Sense Overview in Windows 10 PC Settings (


If you go to the Usage tab of the Data Sense settings, this provides you more details about your internet consumption. As it is still in development stage, you will not find it useful now. I can see it as mocked version of what is coming next in Windows 10. More likely it will show up all the apps which is consuming internet data over Wi-Fi or Cellular data. This will allow you to check which app is consuming more internet.


Data Sense Usage in Windows 10 PC Settings (


In Data Sense settings tab, you will be able to restrict background data, restrict background data when roaming, show/hide total data usage for device etc. In the current build i.e. in build version: 9860, all those settings are disabled. Hope to see them soon in next release build.


Data Sense Settings in Windows 10 PC Settings (


Battery Saver in Windows 10

Battery Saver option in Windows 10 PC Settings (


Battery Saver in Windows 10 will allow you to conserve battery usage by limiting background activity and adjusting hardware settings. If battery saver is active, a small icon will appear next to the battery icon in laptops and tabs as it works in Windows Phone. In Windows 10 Technical Preview build version: 9860, when you click the Battery Saver settings, it will show a mock up screen of what is expected in Windows. Currently this feature does not work.


Battery Saver (Mode=OFF) in Windows 10 PC Settings (


Battery Saver (Mode=ON) in Windows 10 PC Settings (


Like Windows Phone, I am expecting to see all the apps which are running in the background to show up in this section with details about battery consumption and way to enable/disable the background data service of individual app.


As I mentioned earlier, this post is an overview of Technical Preview version of Windows 10, it might change/remove in final or future version of the OS. Don’t forget to check out my other posts on Windows 10 Tips & Tricks posts mentioned here: Connect with me over Twitter and Facebook to get the updates that I share over my feed. Thanks for reading my blog.



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