It’s the sunny morning when I woke up from bed and opened my Surface to check the mails and tweets those I received while I was sleeping. In the collection of all unread mail, I noticed a mail with the subject line that says “Welcome to Nokia Developer Champion”.


At the very beginning I thought it as dream but now my dream comes true. Yes, I am now a Nokia Developer Champion from India and I am feeling very proud to announce it to you.


Nokia Developer Champion is a recognition program for top mobile developers worldwide. Every quarter, Nokia invites outstanding members of the Nokia Developer community to accept a one-year membership in this program. Awardees are selected based on their technical expertise, their activities, contributions to the Nokia Developer Portal online community and offline services and communities worldwide.


Nokia Developer Champion - Kunal Chowdhury


I have been nominated in this elite group for my continuous effort towards Windows Phone and Nokia Lumia devices for more than two years. It’s definitely a good moment to share my feelings to you that gave me opportunity to learn and share more about Windows Phone and Nokia Lumia series.


So, apart from my Microsoft MVP and Telerik MVP logo, a new logo has been added to my professional profile. Thanks to all my blog followers, readers and supporters for their continuous support and feedback. I appreciate your time and effort reading my posts and providing valuable feedbacks.


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As a welcome gift, I will be receiving a Nokia Lumia 920 (Windows Phone 8) device from Nokia shortly, which I was looking to buy in coming days for my WP8 application development stuffs. Stay tuned to my blog and RSS feed for more articles on Windows Phone application development. I am available on Twitter and Facebook. Connect with me and say a “Hello”.

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