Telerik released the sixth major version of RadControls for Windows Phone 7 (Q2.2012) on 11th June 2012. There are many new controls in this new release demanded by many developers. Now those controls are here for you. Get the latest bits and start using them.


In this post, I will share you the direct download link from where you can get the trial version of the product. If you have a license, you can get the full version from your Telerik account. Also, in this post I will share what are the new controls available in this release.



In the Q2.2012 release of Telerik RadControls for Windows Phone 7, we can see many new controls and fixes to the existing controls. If you are new to Telerik controls for WP7, you can grab the trial version of the library from here:

Download Telerik RadControls for WP7 Q2.2012 (ver: 2012.2 607).



If you are an existing customer (or, you have a license), you can get it from your Telerik account. Also, you can participate in the ongoing contest happening in my blog right now to grab one Telerik ultimate license for free. Follow the below link to participate in the contest: Giveaway: Telerik Ultimate Collection License worth $1999


What’s New in Q2.2012?

In the Q2.2012 release, Telerik introduces many controls in Windows Phone 7 Rad Library which you can use in your applications now. The best part of this new release is the Metro Design Templates which is inline with the Metro design guidelines to the highest Metro standards. Don’t forget to check it out and use those templates in your Phone 7 applications. Here is the list of new controls with a short video embedded from Telerik site:


Metro Application Templates

That’s the major thing in new Telerik RadControls for Windows Phone. It consists of Design and Project Metro templates + VS Wizard, i.e. more than 50 design Metro templates including page templates and content templates which will save tremendous amount of your development time. On top of that you get a VS wizard which will help you configure your app’s entire infrastructure.




Rad Conversation View control gives you a “social” flavor to your application. Forum threads, group chats, SMS applications and many more scenarios can be covered with this component. This control comes with predefined styles for displaying messages and easy-to-use API for building complex conversation hierarchies.




The Rad Image Button is a simple button that can have different images for pressed and un-pressed states. The ImageButton control is a button which can include an image. When the button gets pressed or disabled this is also reflected in the image. RadImageButton inherits from the Button class and hence it has all the functionality of the default button and all of its properties and events as a base.




Telerik Rad TextBox control extends the standard TextBox with header, watermark, validation and buttons. It also has two buttons: Clear Button and Action Button. The ClearButton is visible only when the text box is not empty and is used to delete the whole text. The ActionButton can be used for any other purpose like search, browse etc. The RadTextBox also includes validation and can display a different message depending on the ValidationState: Valid, Invalid, Validating and NotValidated.




Using Rad Pan and Zoom Image control just made your Windows Phone 7 application experience better. Adding an image pan and zoom functionality to your app is now a piece of code. To zoom the user can double-click or use pinch gesture. The control is very convenient and provides additional delight to the user browsing through his holiday pictures, reading a comics book or a map.



Enhancements to Existing Controls

There are many bug fixes to existing Rad Controls for Windows Phone 7 by Telerik and you can get a list of all fixes by visiting the Release Notes. There are also new enhancements to the exiting controls which will improve a lot of productivity while developing Windows Phone applications. Here is a list of new enhancements to the existing controls:

    • Pull to Refresh for DataBoundListBox and SlideView
    • WrapMode for DataBound ListBox
    • Item Reorder for DataBoundListBox
    • Overlay Content for SlideView
    • Multiselect ListPicker

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