You might know that, Silverlight 5 has been already released by Microsoft. During the previous releases of Silverlight 5, I have published many articles on it. Here in this post, I am clubbing all of them so that, it will help you to find them in a single page as a great resource to start with Silverlight 5.


Here is a collection of Silverlight 5 Tutorials that you may want to read while working with the Silverlight 5. Find all the links that I have published in my blog. Do you have any feedback or queries? Don’t hesitate to write at least a single line in the Comments Section.




How to create a Silverlight 5 Project?

All of you are already familiar with Silverlight and know how to create a Silverlight project. This post is not for the people, who already worked in Silverlight, but for the people who are very new in this technology and start to work as fresh to make their hands dirty. If you are a beginner to Silverlight, read this post to know how to create a Silverlight  project.



Debugging Data Bindings in XAML with Silverlight 5

Microsoft Released Silverlight 5 Beta during MIX11 conference. It has a great new features set. Among them, most demanded feature was Debugging Data Bindings in XAML. In this article, I will step you through the complete debugging feature in Visual Studio for Silverlight 5 XAML page.


Read the complete article to know more about it and gather knowledge on the debugging feature with a simple code walkthrough.



Working with Multiple Click (ClickCount) in Silverlight 5

Some time you need to know whether user clicked a control once or clicked it twice. Sometime you need to know how many click a user did in the UI control. In this post, you will learn about it.


Silverlight 5 has been announced with newly added feature called ClickCount. It's a property added to the event named as MouseButtonEventArgs. Using this you will be able to find out how many multiple click happened by the user.  Read the complete post to know about the implementation and the issues.



Issues with Multiple Click (ClickCount) in Silverlight 5

We already discussed on Multiple Click (ClickCount) in Silverlight 5. The step-by-step guide focused on how to implement the double click, triple click using the new ClickCount property. In that post we discussed that, there are some issues with this feature and in this post I am going to describe them for you.


Before working with this feature, you must know the pit-falls. Also there are some workarounds specified by Pete Brown in his blog post. Let’s discuss this here, which will help you to understand the issues and take care of your code. Read to know more about it.



Step-by-Step Using ImplicitDataTemplate in Silverlight 5

ImplicitDataTemplate is a new feature in Silverlight 5. Using ImplicitDataTemplate, you can declare multiple Data Templates for your control and based on the data type, you can load the proper data template automatically.


In this article we will discuss on the same step by step with a good example. Read the complete article to know it in depth.



What is Character Spacing in Silverlight 5 Controls

There are many new feature announced to support Text advancements in Silverlight 5. Among them, one is the character spacing. This feature adds spacing between characters inside a TextBlock, RichTextBox and other control elements.


In this post we will demonstrate the use of this new feature and also showcase a simple demo to make you understand better. Read it and start learning Silverlight 5 features.



Multi Column Text support in Silverlight 5

Silverlight 5 has now support for Multi Column Text. By using this feature you will be able to show your text content in column wise. If you are working for a news publisher company or want to publish your text content in column format, this feature will help you definitely. If you implemented this in your application, your text content will automatically position itself in next column if user resizes the application.


So, want to learn about it? Let's discuss on it with a simple example. Read to know more.



Binding on Style Setter in Silverlight 5

Continuing to our discussion on Silverlight 5 features. In earlier post, we discussed about Text Advancement in Silverlight 5. In this post, we will discuss on another new feature called Binding on Style Setter. This feature is very useful for the XAML designer. If you are a XAML designer, you must be aware of this cool new feature.


Read the complete post where we will discuss how we can bind to a Style Setter.



Silverlight 5 Multiple Window Support

Multiple Window support is one of the important feature in Silverlight 5. Using this you can have additional top level Window on top of your trusted Silverlight Out-of-Browser application. Yes, you read correct. It only works in Out-of-Browser Silverlight application and hence you cannot open it inside a browser.


So, what is this new Window and how to use it in our application? Let's have some discussion on it. After this discussion, you will be able to know about it more.



Silverlight 5 Features Ancestor Relative Source Binding

Silverlight 5 has another new feature called Ancestor Relative source binding. It was already available in WPF and has been newly introduced in Silverlight 5. Using this, you can now bind to the relative ancestor elements very easily.


Let's discuss it with a small example where we will create a Control Template for a Button and bind it's Tag property to the actual element to display text, instead of setting the Content property. Read to know more.



Silverlight 5 Features Local File System Access without using COM API

Do you know that, you can now access local files and folders in Silverlight 5? Yes, you heard right. Earlier to Silverlight 5 it was only limited to trusted location like My Documents folder, means it was only possible to read/write in My Documents. Now using Silverlight 5 you can do such operation in any files or folders.


Let's discuss more on this topic. After reading this post, you will be able to read/write to/from any file in local file system. Also you will be able to get information about System Resources.



Elevated Trust Settings for Out-of-Browser and In-Browser in Silverlight 5

As of now, you might know that, Silverlight 5 has been released by Microsoft. This post will help you to learn about the settings enhancements of Silverlight Out-of-Browser applications. Here we will discuss about some changes in the Application settings for Elevated Trust for Out-of-Browser and In-Browser applications. What's that? Read more to know about this.



Invoking "Run" Dialog from In-Browser Silverlight 5 Application

Silverlight 5 has been already released. In Silverlight 5, most important feature is PInvoke. PInvoke means Platform Invoke. By using this, you can directly talk to system resources without using COM APIs.


In this article, we will explore it more and show you how to open the "Run Dialog" directly from the Silverlight 5 application. Here also, we will use In-Browser application which you can easily port to Out-Of-Browser.



Create Directory from Browser using PInvoke in Silverlight 5 Application

In last chapter, we discussed on Silverlight 5 Feature called PInvoke. Hope that was informative for you. We learned how to call system APIs from Silverlight application. We demonstrated this using In-Browser application, but you can use that for Out-Of-Browser too easily.


In Silverlight 4, if we wanted to access system drive or any files, we had to use the COM APIs and this was only applicable from Out-Of-Browser applications. In this article, we will show you the way to access system resources using PInvoke in Silverlight 5. You can call this directly from Browser applications as well as Out-Of-Browser applications. Read to know more.



Hope, this post was helpful for you. Stay tuned with me for updates in my Blog, Facebook Page and Twitter for latest articles, tutorials, tips & tricks. Bookmark this page. I will keep it up-to-date whenever I write something new targeting Silverlight 5.


Reference: Kunal’s Blog

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