One month ago, I started a discussion thread “What is the Future of Silverlight?” and received a good amount of feedback on the future of the same. Some provided positive feedback and some had negative feedback.
As declared earlier, I am going to announce the Winners name from the discussion thread here, as I wanted to giveaway some licenses to my blog readers on the eve of X-MAS. Click more to see if you are one of the lucky winner to Win Telerik or Pluralsight license. All the best!!!
We were suppose to declare the Winner’s name by 15th December but it took hard for us to filter out the names who posted their genuine thoughts. We noticed that people copy pasted from other web sites and showcased as their own views, which is not at all acceptable.

Hence it took pretty much time for us to select the genuine views, also we waived out the anonymous posters from the final filtered list and then we had taken out the name.
So, it’s time for us to declare the Winner. And the winners are: Joris and Afzal. Congratulation to them for having a nice discussion there.
As the winner, Joris will receive “Telerik Ultimate Collection 1 Developer License” worth $1999 with Priority Support and Afzal will receive “Pluralsight Annual Plus Subscription” from me.
Requesting both the winners to contact me directly and once you validate your authenticity, I will send you the prizes via mail. Please acknowledge it within next 15 days via this form with your email address and I will get back to you with the license key as early as possible. Wish you both a Merry X-MAS and a great year ahead.