Here comes the weekly digest of During last week, we have submitted 83 article links on various technologies like Silverlight, LightSwitch, Windows Phone 7 etc. In this post, find the top links. Also, the link towards daily news digest is also available at the end of the post.


Top 5 posts were from @Debug_Mode, @jmarbutt, @kunal2383, @twmurph and @TimHuckaby. Don’t miss to read out those posts. If you have blog and you are writing article/posts on the said technologies, please share us the link below (as comment) and we will make sure to include them to spread all over the social networking sites.


Top 5 Posts of the Week

This time in the “Above all Links” section Dhananjay Kumar (@Debug_mode) placed himself with his great Windows Phone 7 Tutorial series. Find all the popular posts listed here:

Daily News Digests

Here comes the links of Daily News Headline @SilverlightZone. If you missed them earlier, here are the links:

We also tweet the link whenever a new post submits by our contributors to and share the same in Facebook too. You can follow us on Twitter @SilverlightZone. Keep following us and RT the entries to reach out the content to maximum people. Your tweets count. Appreciate your support.


Reference: Kunal's Blog

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