Boryana Miloshevska published this eBook “Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit in Depth” in The book includes hands on guide with code to demonstrate all the controls available in the Windows Phone 7.1 Toolkit (August 2011).


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The eBook published on 11th October 2011 by Boryana Miloshevska (via is based on Windows Phone 7.1 (aka 7.5 Mango) release and includes 22 Chapters in 246 Pages to cover all controls from the Windows Phone Toolkit (August 2011 release).



You can Download the eBook for FREE from You will be able to Download all the Source Code used in this eBook. Also, you will be able to learn more about the Author “Boryana Miloshevska”. Don’t forget to Share Feedback about the eBook and say a Thanks to the Author.


Who is this book for?

The target audience of this book is anyone who is interested in Silverlight for Windows Phone development. It covers all controls from the Microsoft Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit 7.1 - Aug 2011 SDK (Mango).

This book contains all the information necessary to get you started with the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced developers.

Before you begin you will need to have a basic understanding of:

      • Silverlight principles
      • Windows Phone principles
      • C# programming

What this book covers?

The book covers “in depth” all controls from the Microsoft Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit including:

      1. AutoCompleteBox Components included in the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit
      2. ContextMenu
      3. DatePicker
      4. DateTimeConverters
      5. ExpanderView
      6. Gestures
      7. HeaderedItemsControl
      8. HubTile
      9. ListPicker
      10. LocalizedResources
      11. LockablePivot
      12. LoopingSelector
      13. LongListSelector
      14. MultiselectList
      15. Page Transitions
      16. PerformanceProgressbar
      17. PhoneTextBox
      18. WrapPanel
      19. TiltEffect
      20. TimePicker
      21. ToggleSwitch

Furthermore the first two chapters make a quick introduction to the main concepts related to Silverlight and Windows Phone application development and how to get started using external libraries like the “Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit”.

How is this book structured?

In this book you will learn how to use the different controls that the “Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit” offers.
Chapter1 is a brief introduction to the main Silverlight and Windows Phone concepts. You will learn the key concepts that you need to know in order to get started with Windows Phone application development.

Chapter2 is focused on getting started with the “Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit”. It gives you all the necessary information from start to finish including:

              • What is in the toolkit?
              • System requirements
              • Installing
              • Windows Phone Toolkit and Visual Studio
              • Visual Studio Toolbox integration
              • Expression Blend integration
              • Unofficial builds
              • Issue Tracker

In Chapters 3 through Chapter 22 you will learn how to use each one of the toolkit`s controls “in depth”. Each chapter contains the following main sections:

      • “Overview”: a brief description of the main features
      • “Getting Started”: explains how to get started using the control in XAML and C#
      • “Key Properties”/ “Key Methods”/ “Key Events”: a full explanation of the available public API (with short samples)

Examples: Depending on the importance and how complex the control is there are more or less examples with source code and detailed explanation.


(This post is based on request from WindowsPhoneGeek to share information about the book to the developer community)

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