Yesterday, in the post “TeamPulse - A Project Management Solution from Telerik”, we discussed about Telerik TeamPulse application. We discussed about installation requirements and also shared the links to download the TeamPulse.


In this post, we will learn how to create a TeamPulse project for your team, so that you can manage your stories, bugs and check the status of each individual story. Read more to learn about it.



Before going to depth, let me summarize about TeamPulse. It is a project management solution from Telerik based on Agile best practices. You can manage your team project using this Silverlight based tool to actively collaborate between team members, track progress of project.


If you didn’t download the application yet, go to “TeamPulse - A Project Management Solution from Telerik” and download the installer. Don’t forget to readout the installation requirements before installing the product. Let me tell you once again, it is a Silverlight application and hence you need Silverlight runtime. It also uses SQL Server, so don’t forget to setup the SQL Database in your local machine.


Project Creation

Hope you already setup the environment properly. Now, it’s time for us to create our first project in TeamPulse. Execute the application in browser. By default, it will be in the following location: http://localhost:9898/#/CreateProject


Once you are in the Create New Project screen (as shown below), enter the project name that you want to use. Enter the project description and goal if you want. Now click the next arrow to proceed with the next step.


1. Create New Project


In the second step, you may want to connect the TeamPulse with the TFS server for data synchronization. We will not go with the TFS synchronization right now. So, press “No” and proceed to the next screen.


2. Determine TFS Integration


Now it’s time to setup the project template. There are two different project templates available here called “Scrum Template” and “Generic Agile Template”. I would like to go with the “Scrum Template” in the entire tutorial series. Select the Scrum from the template type and proceed to next screen.


3. Select a Process Template


In Step – 4, we have to setup the project duration and iteration period. Enter the Start Date and End Date of the project. Also define the Work Cycle/Iteration. We will proceed with 15 days iterations in a 3 months project plan. Click Next to continue. Find the below screenshot for reference:


4. Define Project Cycle


In this screen, you need to chose the team members from the list. All the members added to TeamPulse will be listed here. In this demo project, I will have only user for now. Once the team members are selected, click next to proceed to the next screen.


5. Select Members


The final screen will show you the summary of what you did till now. It will show you all the details. Verify them and if you need, you can go back to the previous screens to do the modifications.


Once you are done with review process, click “Finish” to let the application finalize the project creation.


6. Final Step to Finish the Project Creation


This will create the project with entered details for you. You will now see a proper UI of the application in the screen. The application will have a Ribbon UI with various options. Go thru them and watch if you can explore some good features of it.


Hope, this post was helpful for you to understand the project creation. Tomorrow we will discuss about the creation of iterations manually. Till we discuss in depth about iterations tomorrow, enjoy the tool and try to explore it as much as you can. Don’t forget to share this with your friends, colleagues and your followers. Who knows, this can be helpful for them to manage their project.

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