Proud to announce that, I have been selected as the Winner of Article writing competition at "The Code Project" for the month of July 2011. This is the first competition that I have won from Code project.


Last month I wrote an article on Silverlight which demonstrated the steps require to do the communication between two local Silverlight applications. This article was well appreciated by the readers and my sincere thanks to all community fellows to support me by providing their vote and feedback. Read to find more about the article.



The article "How to Communicate between two Local Silverlight Applications?" which I published at was the most appreciated article last month and hence it was selected for the monthly competition. As there are no Silverlight category there, hence it was submitted for "Best C# Article" category.


I am proud to say that the article has been selected as the "Best C# Article of July 2011" and has been marked with the prize symbol as below:


Prize winner in Competition - Best C# Article of July 2011


Read the Article

If you didn't yet read the article, you can find it here:

As a competition Winner, I will receive the following prizes:

    1. Shell MegaPack.Net 2010 - LogicNP Software
    2. The latest C# books from Apress - Apress
    3. SmartOutline 2010 - SmartOutline
    4. Report Sharp-Shooter for Silverlight - Perpetuumsoft
    5. Crypto Obfuscator For .Net - Enterprise Edition - LogicNP Software
    6. Reuxables Ultimate Subscription for WPF + Silverlight + Windows Phone 7 - Nukeation Studios

Finally, thanks to everyone who supported me by their vote and feedback.

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