Few weeks ago Mr. Jim Moscater, Community Leader of DZone, contacted me saying that he really liked my WP7 & Silverlight related blog contents and wanted to invite me to join DZone's MVB (Most Valuable Blogger) program.


I am very proud to say that, I am now a MVB of DZone. So, what is this MVB Program? Read to know more about this.


What is the MVB Program?

If you want to know about this program, here is what DZone describes about this program:

DZone's Most Valuable Blogger program brings together a group of highly talented bloggers, authors, and technologists actively writing about topics of interest to the developer community. These people are recognized in the industry for their contributions and deep technical knowledge on subjects ranging from software design and architecture to programming on a range of platforms including Java, .NET, Ruby and others.


If you want to know more about this and want to know who are part of this group, visit "Meet the DZone MVBs" and find out the latest posts submitted by them.


What's Next?

It's another tag that has been added to my profile. I am now a Most Valuable Blogger of DZone. By becoming a DZone MVB, I gave DZone permission to publish some of my blog articles on their site. This will give me chance to reach out to maximum people.


Finally, thank you Jim and DZone team to give me chance to share my technical knowledge to more audiences now. If you are new to my blog, don't forget to do the following things to keep in touch with me:

Thank you everyone for following my blog. Don't forget to share your feedbacks about my articles. This will help me to serve you much better contents in future.

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