Yesterday I attended the PUG Event and delivered 1 hour session on Silverlight 5 Beta features. I demonstrated some important features too. Here in this blog post, I am going to share the "What's New in Silverlight 5?" slides. You can view it online and if you want, you can download to view it offline.


Also, I am sharing the demo projects that I used during the session. You can freely download them from the attached links. Earlier I published some articles on these features, sharing their links too so that, you can read them and understand in depth.


New to Silverlight 5?

If you are new to Silverlight 5, you need to download and install the Silverlight 5 Beta Tools before opening the attached demo projects. You can find the links and installation instructions from the below post. Need help on creating your Silverlight 5 project? I am sharing my blog post here. Follow the steps mentioned there and kick up your Silverlight 5 experience.


Download Demo Projects

In the event, I demonstrated some of the Silverlight 5 features. You can download the demo projects from this section. Link to each of the blog articles of mine has also been added to this section. You can read more about the features from those links. If you have any issue downloading the projects, let me know.


Feature Name

Blog Article

Source Code

Debugging Data Bindings in XAML



Multiple Click Count



Implicit Data Templates



Advanced Text Improvements

Read (1 / 2 / 3)


Binding on Style Setter



Text Searching



Multiple Window Support

Read (1 / 2)


Ancestor Relative Source Binding



Custom Markup Extension



File Access




Download all the above Demo Projects as a single Zip file from here: Download PUG Event Demos - July 2011



View/Download Presentation

You can view the slides in this section. At the end of the post, I added links to download this PPT so that, you can view them offline. Uploaded both the 97-2003 and 2010 (Recommended) PowerPoint formats. You can chose between any one of them.





Download PPT - What's New in Silverlight 5?





Thanks to everyone who attended the session. Also my sincere thanks to the Pune User Group for giving me chance to speak on Silverlight 5. Follow my blog, if you are not already. I am also available on Facebook and Twitter. You can contact me there too.

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