Here comes this week's News Digest of which contains approximately 76 new News items on various topics like Silverlight, Windows Phone 7, LightSwitch, XNA etc. It also contains lots of posts including MVVM, XAML, Blend etc.


This week most popular posts are on "Powerful 3D WP7 Application" by Paul, "Google Maps for WP7" by Naveed Tejani , "Mango Training Course" by Abhishek Baxi, "XAML Tips" by Michael Crump and "Basics of MVVM" by Paul Sheriff.


So, read out those posts and get knowledge on them. Also find links for Daily News Headlines of this week.



Most Popular Posts of the Week

Here comes the most popular posts of the week (22nd May 2011 to 28th May 2011). Popular posts were from Paul (Ubelly), Naveed Tejani, Abhishek Baxi, Michael Crump and Paul Sheriff. Find the link of those posts below:



Daily News Headline of this Week

We have our news archived in a single page, daily. If you missed to read this week's posts, find them here:

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