Here is the Weekly news digest at and we have 56 new posts submitted during this week. By this week, we have completed 1,13,346 hit since 1st January 2011. Till now we have a huge 1587 posts in our database. We have collected all these links from various web sites and delivered to you daily as a news digest. It's our passion to deliver the good contents to you daily to a single location.


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Most Popular Posts of the Week

Here comes the most popular posts of this week. Top visited posts are from: Doug Holland, Microsoft Feed, Victor Gaudioso and Dennis Doomen. Congrats everyone. Here is the list of the Popular articles at


Daily News Headline of this Week

We have our news archived in a single page, daily. If you missed to read this week's posts, find them here:

We also tweet each time a new post submitted to You can follow us on Twitter @SilverlightZone. Keep following us and RT the entries to reach out the content to maximum people. Your tweets count. Appreciate your support all the time.


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