Yesterday (20th May 2011) was the 2nd day at MVP open day. It was with full of session in various tracks and also lots of fun during the whole day and night. We had a small trip to Golconda Resort at Hyderabad in the evening which was more entertaining and refreshed our energy.


In this post, I am going to share some info with you, so that, you will be able to know what happens at MVP Open day. BTW, the session details will not be covered here as they are part of MVP Non-Disclosure Agreement.



After the late night activity at Graveyard session yesterday, we woke up in the morning early. We had a breakfast at Ista Hotel and during that time we had some discussion on community activities with some other MVPs. After that, we went to Microsoft India Development Centre which is nearby to our hotel.


First session, which was a Keynote to all the MVPs was by Mr. Amit Chatterjee. Then there were lots of session on various topics like Windows Phone 7, Azure etc. which we attended there. Came to know about various info.


The Golden Moment (Group Photo with other MVPs and some Microsoft Employees):


Group Photo @ MS IDC


Later in the evening we went for a fun activity at Golconda Resort where we played Paint Ball game. It was very entertaining at the evening. Also, proud to be a part of the Winning team. Everyone enjoyed this time. After that a great dinner with lots of discussion.


Some very good moments of the evening that I will remember always:







Finally after returning back to Ista Hotel, we had another Graveyard session conducted by Abhishek Baxi and some other MVPs. This time discussion happened on XNA, WP7, iPad etc.


It was a tremendous experience I had at MVP Open Day at Hyderabad on the 2nd day. Lots of things that we can learn from here from various people. Also it creates a very good channel with all other MVPs. Two more days to go. More Fun yet to come.

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