ASP.NET 4 Social NetworkingSocial Networking is all about developing connections or ties between friends and associates. While people have always networked with one another the Internet has allowed us to network with people all over the world easily. Any interest or cause can support its own social network, where fans and followers can meet, chat, and share their views. But building a social networking site from scratch involves some complex logic and some serious coding.


If you want to read some real hands on experience on LINQ, C#4.0, AJAX, MVP pattern etc. then this book is for you. This book is authored by three industry veteran and they have put all their real time experiences here. Read to know few highlights of the book. Also, there is a link to order the book.



Few highlights about the book

  • Create a full-featured, enterprise-grade social network using ASP.NET 4.0
  • Learn key new ASP.NET and .NET Framework concepts like Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF), Entity Framework 4.0, LINQ, AJAX, C# 4.0, ASP.NET Routing,n-tier architectures, and MVP in a practical, hands-on way.
  • Build friends lists, messaging systems, user profiles, blogs, forums, groups, and more
  • A practical guide full of step by step explanations, interesting examples, and practical advice

If you want to purchase the book, you can order it from here.

You can find the sample chapter of the book here.




About the Authors

Atul Gupta

Principal Architect – Microsoft Technology Center, Infosys Technologies

With over 14 years of experience working on Microsoft technologies, Atul is currently a Principal Architect at Infosys’ Microsoft Technology Center. His expertise spans User Interface technologies, and he currently focuses on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight technologies. He has also authored papers for industry publications and websites. Being actively involved in professional Microsoft online communities and developer forums, Atul has received MVP award for six years in a row.


Andrew Siemer

Enterprise architect at OTX Research

Andrew Siemer is currently the enterprise architect at OTX Research. He has worked as a software engineer, enterprise architect, trainer, and author since 1998 when he got out of the Army. Andrew has consulted with many companies on the topics of e-commerce, social networking, and business systems. To name a few, he has worked with eUniverse (, PointVantage (, Callaway Golf (, Guidance Software (, and Intermix Media (,,, In addition to his daily duties he also offers various classes in .NET, C#, and other web technologies to local students in his area as well as blogging in his *free* time.


Sudhanshu Hate

Senior Architect, Microsoft Technology Center, Infosys Technologies

With 11 years of experience, Sudhanshu is currently focusing on Windows Communication and Workflow Foundation technologies from the .Net 3.5 and 4.0 stack. Previously, Sudhanshu has led solution architecture and development teams on Legacy Modernization and Business Intelligence and was also instrumental in taking Infosys’ Catalytic IT solutions to customers in EMEA.

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