Today, I received my Code Project MVP Certificate by courier. This is my first MVP Certificate from CodeProject. Feeling very proud to be part of the Global MVP team. I am happy that, my contribution towards community and their regular support gave me the chance to achieve this. This recognition I will contribute to each and every supporter of mine, who helped me in various way to achieve this award.

In this post find the certificate that I received.



On 4th January 2011, I received the mail from Chris Maunder that, I have been awarded as CodeProject MVP for the year 2011 on recognition towards my contribution to the community. Here is the mail that I received from him:



In recognition of your outstanding contributions to the community, either through Quick Answers, the forums or through articles and tips, you have been awarded CodeProject MVP status for 2011.

Your MVP status will be recognized through the MVP icon you will have next to your forum postings as well as a notice in your member profile. Also, as formal recognition of your award status we will be sending out certificates to all our MVPs.

Again, Thank you for all the help you have provided to the community.

Chris Maunder
The Code Project


Here comes the valued certificate, that I received today from CodeProject:


Code Project MVP Certificate - Kunal Chowdhury



Find more details and other MVP list in this blog post: Proud to be a CodeProject MVP. Once again, my sincere thanks to Chris, the entire Code Project family, Code Project GIT Forum members, my parents and all other supporters. Without their support it could be quite difficult to achieve this status. Please keep supporting me all the time and I will try to do my level best to deliver more contributions to the community.

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