Today we have completed 2nd month of our activity in and got a huge nos. of responses from the community. In two months we crossed 30K+ visitors count which is pretty good. Audiences are mainly from United States, India and United Kingdom, followed by France and Germany. I will appreciate everyone's contribution towards this blog to make it a great success. posts articles/news on Silverlight, Windows Phone 7, XNA, LightSwitch, XAML and Expression Blend etc. We are trying our level best to keep all of you updated on We are also publishing all those entries to Twitter and Facebook, whenever a new post has been submitted, keeping all followers up-to date. Find out more of February 2011 in this post.





In the home page we are trying to keep 50 posts for your reference. If you want to view the other posts, you can find them in our "Daily News Headline at Silverlight-Zone" at the right column of each page. Here is a list of our last 5 days news headline link:


Daily News Headline @SilverlightZone

Popular 10 Posts of the Month - February 2011



Follow us on Twitter and if you are in Facebook, follow us there too. Here is the link of our network:




We also have a "Discussion Forum" hosted on our site. If you have any technical queries and/or want to reach me, use the Discussion Forum thread as much as possible. I will try to answer you as early as I can. If you have any feedback/suggestion for us, drop a line "Feedback and Suggestions" thread in the Discussion Forum.


Thank you for your continuous support. Follow us in twitter and share the knowledge to the world. If you are also writing blog posts/article and want to include them in to reach maximum people across the world, please share your blog link to me. I will include the new posts in Silverlight-Zone.

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