In this Tips & Tricks, I will show you the steps by which you can get the Screen Resolution of Client’s PC in Silverlight Application. It is quite simple. You have to just call the HTML DOM object to receive the handle of the screen and from that you can easily get the Screen Resolution.

To get the Screen Resolution, you need to get the handle of the Window and you can get it from:


Now from that object, you can call the Eval() with proper parameter “screen.width” or “screen.height” to get the Screen Width or Screen Height respectively. Those will give you the Screen Resolution. Suppose, you received Width = 1024 & Height = 768, means your Screen Resolution is: 1024 x 768.


Here is the complete code:


From the above code, you can easily understand how we are collecting the Screen Resolution of the user’s screen. Hence, use it whenever you need.

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