Hi folks, as all of you know that Silverlight 4 is now going to come out as “Go-Live” license within a few months and also in the mean time there are some wishlist coming for Silverlight 5, hence I am writing this post to collect those most wanted features requested by the community. Please contribute your wishlist for Silverlight 5 here (as comment) and I will update that list regularly.
  • Sophisticated Authentication & Security (includes client certificates as credentials for web service call) - [Vote] – alexander.biskop
  • More encryption algorithm - [Vote] – alexander.biskop
  • More flexible way to do localization in DataForm/DataGrid - [Vote] – sladapter
  • Application patching functionality - [Vote] – Haathen
  • Better Local Messaging API - [Vote] – ksleung
  • Better drawing API - [Vote] – ksleung
  • Support for Report Viewer - [Vote] - mlonny
  • Real time printing support - [Vote] – ksleung
  • Support for iPod/iPhone - [Vote] - microsoft_kc
  • Android support - [Vote] – ksleung
  • Better 3D support like WPF - [Vote] - microsoft_kc
  • An embedded database component like SQL-CE that can be used in OOB mode - [Vote] – Joeyw
  • Better support for WritableBitmap - [Vote] – Joeyw
  • Vector Printing - [Vote] – Joeyw
  • Support for IObservable for databinding - [Vote] – Joeyw
  • Rich Text Editor which allows Word Wrapping around images or other elements - [Vote] - Erwin Beckers
  • BMP and GIF image support - [Vote] - Erwin Beckers
  • More advanced controls like Outlook Agenda/Calendar control - [Vote] - Erwin Beckers
  • Transparency Support in Out-Of-Browser Mode - [Vote] - microsoft_kc
  • Improved SaveFileDialog with DefaultName option - [Vote] - Neha
  • ChildWindow with NON-modal support - [Vote] - Amantha
  • Flash video playback - [Vote] - Erwin Beckers
  • A working webbrowser control in a non-out-of-browser scenario - [Vote] - Peter Gfader
  • Support tooltip better for transparent, init delay, show delay, tiling image brush - [Vote] - Anonymous
Your suggestions for Silverlight 5 feature requests are welcome to publish here. Cheers…
Also, you can post them & vote in Silverlight Uservoice.

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