Microsoft has recently launched Visual Studio 2010 and .Net 4.0 Beta 1 with more expressive features. Some of them are mentioned below:

[New Language Support]
Visual F# is a new programming language which actually combines functional & object oriented programming to provide scalable language for .Net.

[Test Driven Development]
Visual Studio 2010 now offers greater support for test driven development where tests can be written before the actual code as an approach to the software design.

[Multi Targeting]
By using the multi targeting feature you can also create application of earlier version in new IDE of visual studio.

[Parallel Processing]
Using the new parallel extension of .Net 4.0 developers can create application which will scale efficiently as the number of cores & processors increase.

The new framework improvements & expanded capabilities in the security model by simplifying the security policy. Now runtime support has been removed for enforcing the Deny, RequestMinimum, RequestOptional, and RequestRefuse permission requests.

.Net framework 4.0 beta 1 now provides improvement in the startup time and faster performance for multi threaded applications.

[Lazy Initialization]
By using this feature, the memory for an object is not allocated until it is needed. This improves the performance by spreading the object allocation across the lifetime of the application.

[In-Process Execution]
This enables an application to load & activate multiple version of the CLR inside the same process. Now you can run applications those are based on the .Net 2.0 & .Net 4.0 inside the same process.

In the new framework you can now attach, run and detach profiling tasks at any point of time.

[Garbage Collection]
.Net Framework 4.0 now supports background garbage collection. In earlier frameworks it was a concurrent garbage collection.

[Collection & Data Structure]
- The new framework now includes BigInteger which supports all the standard numeric operation including the bit operation.
- It now supports self balancing SortedSet tree which sorts automatically after insert/delete operation.
- A new data structure named Tuple has been introduced in this framework which can hold an ordered set of heterogeneous items.

[Exception Handling]
The new CLR can now handle any exception regarding the corrupted state of the underlying operating system.

and more…

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